Thursday, March 11, 2010

And Morgan just continues his Epic Fail run!

Well, There is STUPID, and then there is Morgan Gavin STUPID. Here is a guy, who claims to be a writer, yet he clearly has no understanding of the English language. As I knew he would, he took down the comments I had put up on his earlier post, lol he actually took down the story as well, so at least he did one intelligent thing yesterday! He has stated many times that he would simply ignore me, yet it seems that he has no idea what the word "Ignore" means, so let's help him out with that...


  1. To refuse to pay attention to (a person); treat with contempt: disregard, neglect, slight. Regional igg. See concern/unconcern, thoughts.
  2. To pretend not to see: blink (at), connive at, disregard, pass over, wink at. Idioms: be blind to, close shut one's eyes to, look the other way, turn a blind eye to. See see/not see.
  3. To fail to care for or give proper attention to: disregard, neglect, slight. See care for/neglect, concern/unconcern.
Now, as we all know, Morgan has 26 different blog sites, he also goes to many chat sites and forum sites, like 4chan, R&R, and OKCupid where he tries desperately to get people to notice him. He has two Youtube accounts! At least 4 twitter accounts and several myspace accounts. Now, as I said, he constantly says he will ignore me, yet he has now added a 27th Blog site, just for ME!!

LOLOL EPIC FAIL there Chuckles! That you even bothered to make a new site completely contradicts your ignoring me! It clearly shows that you can't ignore me. Thanks for the new blog there chuckles, again you just show the world what a waste of life you are!

It gets better, our friend Morgan is clearly a typical Myspace fool! He seems to think that the number of views his site gets means that he is popular, and yet, for having a site that is in reality over a year old 190 views is nothing to brag about! Especially when anyone can see that, with your other accounts you are clearly boosting that pathetic figure by visiting your own site. I mean come on, two of your 9 watchers are simply you, using two of your other accounts. And the other watchers? Well, I don't see them posting any comments so I would guess they are "watching" you simply as a means to get some free advertisement.

So, you think that having 190 views means something? Well, I hate to burst your bubble but I have a DeviantArt account for my own writing and I can tell you that I average over 600 views every day! However, who cares? It would seem that you, like many "Myspace Dweebs" have failed to grasp the fact that a view means nothing more then someone happening to stumble in on your blog. It doesn't mean that they are actually looking at your art, or your writing, or whatever. Comments mean a hell of a lot more to me then the number of views my site gets. My own story gets a huge amount of comments, all POSITIVE! However I always welcome objective criticism as well, since one can always improve, and getting insight from readers is an invaluable aid to any writer. LOL you only seem to allow "retweets" and the only one "tweeting" is you! So really, you don't have anything to brag about here Morgan. No one is reading your story, at least not after reading the first paragraph or so anyway, no one has anything positive to say about what little they have read. LOL In all honesty, I think I can claim to be the only person who has actually forced myself to read a few chapters of your ramblings, just so that I can say in all honesty, that it is mindless trash. You can't even follow the simplest of rules with regards to successful writing, such as simple sentence structure.

If you were actually getting comments, that would mean something, even if they are negative in nature, it would mean that someone took the time to actually read your work (Like me) But you fail to leave those up. So sorry but your views do not impress me, with all the blogs you have up, one would think you would have more to show then 190 views.

Sadly, you are too full of yourself to understand that. Yet, the weird thing about you, while you hate any negative comments on your blog, you seem to love getting them in forum boards and youtube and any live chats you can find with people! Like this one you point us all to.....

LMFAO! You're proud of this? You really need help here Morgan! Again, this proves my point that your life has gotten so pathetic that while you hate criticism, you want and need attention so badly that you will do anything to get it, even if it is negative. Like I said, you thrive on negativity, which is why you constantly lash out to attack people, in your blogs, in youtube videos! It's why you fail at ignoring me. We can all see just how much you hate your life, that you have to strike out at others. You clearly show everyone just how miserable and jealous you are by attacking other people's video and art. Doubtless, the guy eating a mango isnt that much better then you when it comes to making videos to share on youtube, but I gotta say it, his video is still far and away more entertaining then any of yours have been.

Hell, just because I know you will eventually, after reading this, take all the comments down, since they only prove my point, and make you look STUPID! I will post them up right here for everyone to get a laugh at your expense. It's ironic really, because you think you are such a comedian and yet, you would not know Comedy if it came up and bit you on the ass. It isn't you that is funny, it's the people who diss you that are funny. Like I said in the post before this one, with REAL Comedians, the audiance is laughing WITH them. When it comes to you Morgan, we are all just laughing AT you, and that is not something to brag about or be proud of.

NOTE: Demeonte2 is our friend Morgan's Youtube name!

360quickscoper (5 days ago) Show Hide
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hahah your making fun of boogie and you have to live your life with red pubes and looking like a homo stalker ROFL. boogie gets more action then you.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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and? your point being?
gigapak28 (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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that ur a ginger fuck,
axelizback (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Lets see you make a bettervideo, it was fucking halarious! Stop with the hatevids, or don't make any at all. Don't think your cool because you make a reponse like that.
Demeonte2 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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wow... are you on your period or something?
xxmarcellxx (1 week ago) Show Hide
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@Demeonte2 you fail
Demeonte2 (1 week ago) Show Hide
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@xxmarcellxx: at mangos? because i love mangos... just not the one in that video. seemed a little rotten for a pudgey guy to be eating.
amandatrules (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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You are hideously skinny. Why make fun of Boogie when you're a damn toothpick yourself?
Demeonte2 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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because... i can. deal with it.
gigapak28 (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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ginger fuck,
juliuuuz1 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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eres demasiado estupido para ser insultado, Responde eso hijo de tu putisima madre vete al coño donde perteneces cabronsito de mierda - TRY NOT TO USE GOOGLE TRANSLATE FU*CK OFF ,saludos desde mexico
Demeonte2 (3 weeks ago) Show Hide
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escuchar aquí jodido idiota, no se moleste en un video publicado hace 5 meses! en serio ... que son retrasados que se enoja por algo que sucedió en el pasado? Te lo juro, te lo mereces nada más que a ser deportado de nuevo en la madriguera paseo corto de dónde vienes.
Imjacktbh (1 month ago) Show Hide
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You're silly and whoms life seems pretty boring. And on that point, do not say commenting on this is 'boring' too, as i am only commenting once which takes 30 seconds of my time, but however in your case, you have commented several times adding up to a considerably larger amount than ours. Please stop abusing other people; just like i am to you now, and get on with your life :) Thankyou babes
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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good... then you shouldnt have bothered with this long assed wall of text.

see, i just did in ten seconds what took you fifty. hows it feel slow writer?
DGWPictures (1 month ago) Show Hide
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It's a high school nerd!
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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its a junior high drop out!
uilert (1 month ago) Show Hide
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fuck u really
jij bent zo'n kanker lomp iemand met je verneukte kop beetje andere uitlachen maar jij bent geen haar beter
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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i love you too.
gigapak28 (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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ahha u said he has a bigger rack then any women u have ever met well maybe u should stop being a dick cause with ur looks personailty should be ur only way but instead u drug them and rape them in the back of your van :)
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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wow... so you own a van, you love dick, and youre a woman? or just a really fugly shemale with a freaky liking of cock? either, youre still shit stupid.
gigapak28 (4 hours ago) Show Hide
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dude im sorry but ur agrument is weak and no i dnt like licking cock i love my girlfriend, maybe if u didnt just diss a guy who everyone likes maybe u would actully get a positive reply on ur videos srsly dude my advise is kill ur self now u ginger fuck
DominationDarren (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Boogie did nothing wrong. You think no one has ever told him he's overweight? You think you're original for calling him fat? No. You're just immature.
You know that SOME people can judge others on other things JUST than the size of their stomachs...
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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its called comedy douchemonger.
amandatrules (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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@Demeonte2 how is it comedy when you're just not funny?
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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because you asshats keep leaving comments. and i keep replying, there for:

SuperBryanator (1 month ago) Show Hide
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holy shit if could erase this video from never put it in my computer i would do it p.s. go uck your self
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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i think what you meant to write, instead of this 4th grade crap, was:

"holy shit, it I could erase this video from youtube, and making it a law that it would never APPEAR ON my computer, i would do it."
SuperBryanator (1 month ago) Show Hide
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@Demeonte2 corect if i'm wrong Sr.motherfucker go to hell and i hope the devil violate you, i don't think that the devil will violate you cause your so ugly
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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i think what you meant was:

"to demeonte the 2nd, CORRECT me if i am wrong, senior motherfucker, but go to hell and i hope the devil violates you, simply because you are so ugly."

see? its all a matter of correct writing, then i might waste my time on you.
SuperBryanator (1 month ago) Show Hide
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@Demeonte2 you where a teacher or what?
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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i think you mean:

you WERE a teacher or what?

my god, you fuck heads are getting lazier with your insults. LEARN TO FUCKING SPELL!
Hojunhu (1 month ago) Show Hide
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This guy was successfully trolled. I think I detect a hint of butthurt.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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^ no. THIS guy above this comment was successfully orced.
AzureIsBeautiful (2 months ago) Show Hide
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At least the other guy is funny. You're a fucking sad ugly skinny prick.
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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and your an ugly whore. there, how does that feel? not very good huh? got anything else to say?
seancullen99 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Mango man may not be a genius but you Sir, are definitely a loser.
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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sir, i may be a loser, but im steadily growing in popularity with trolls like you. so in other words :I WIN FUCKTARD!
XSinceretysXSecretX (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Are you trying to make fun of him and act like a dick to make up for the one you don't have? Or you have nothing better to do than go at others?

You're obviously too good for everyone though. with your amazing good looks and god-like body..Skinny prick.
ILYutubeLAWL (1 month ago) Show Hide
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haha BURN
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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nope, im being a dick because i can! and, im making fun of him because im a comedian, and THATS WHAT WE DO FUCKFACE!
hedgehogrider (1 month ago) Show Hide
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It does not take skill or ability to say what you said. I would be hard-pressed to call that comedy; all you did was insult him in a pretty uncreative manner. Anyone can insult someone for being fat. You should take this down because I'm sure you're a good guy who just made a really stupid video. The fact that you went through and make 'comedic' rebuttals to every single comment on this video is definitely not making you look any smarter or funnier.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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WHATEVER. i dont care about that, i just like seeing fuckheads like the jacktards posting here to lose their fucking minds, because im not what they consider good enough.

psychology is fun!
amandatrules (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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Wow. Owned!
kcm05814 (4 days ago) Show Hide
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God like? there are people starving and people feel it's ok to stuff thier faces because it feels good.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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thank you! geez, fat people need to learn to pace their face gorging, or else well REALLY run out of fossil fuels faster then three supermodels run after a bag of cereal dust.
xxxjonasxxxable (2 months ago) Show Hide
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He Is the New God
for noobs ofc

Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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and you are my court jester of idiots, DANCE LITTLE MAN! DANCE! LMAO BITCH! L-M-A-FUCKING-O!
Kalcros (2 months ago) Show Hide
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If you make a video, and you weight about 200kg+ and your eating food ... what the fuck do you expect pricks... it's not really gonna have good comments.
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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damn skippy!
pdew2101 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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fuck uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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nooooooooooooooooooo thannnnnnnnnnks.
DJCarden (2 months ago) Show Hide
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U r a fuckin nerd dude. u look like a 50 yr old virgin go to hell making fun of fat ppl and their stupid ass videos. and get soem fuckin hair. Fuker!!!
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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and you look like a kardashian, worse then a nerd because YOUR SO FUCKING STUPID!
EuphoriaVideos (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Your dox haz been posted on 4chan lawl
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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oh goody, so that means more stupid fucks will look at my vid. thanks for the free publicity.
kirbyflys (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Your a sad douche bag.
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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youre an angry emo.
kirbyflys (1 month ago) Show Hide
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I dont cut myself. Unlike you do.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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yes you do. you cut your hair. cutting hair = cutting yourself = YOU ARE A FUCKING EMO. live with it.
wsclough1945 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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is this all you do make a vid of u laughing and talking about other peoples vids such a sad douche bag!!!!!
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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yes i do. no. i think youre talking about yourself. you are the sad douchebag, at least people see my face when im poking fun at their vid.
emspixie (2 months ago) Show Hide
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How can you laugh at it.. which is the reason for it.. than say it is awful? YOu are such a dumbass. Looks like your sick... Gain a pound maybe?
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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very easily, watch..oh wait... you cant.. whos the loser now jerry coreman! who the fuck is the loser now!?
sugercoded (2 months ago) Show Hide
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wow, thats rude.
whats wrong with bigger people?
wow, your so dumb. i agree with everyone that
told you to get a life. He can lose weight,
but your ugly and you can't change that.
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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yes i can, through the power of self motivation, i can make myself look better then you. AH! ITS WORKING ALREADY!
ravenven (2 months ago) Show Hide
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Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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thank you. i agree on that as well.
hedgehogrider (2 months ago) Show Hide
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I think you're confusing being funny with being a complete douchebag. Get a life.
Demeonte2 (1 month ago) Show Hide
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and yet you commented... so really... whos the douchebag? douchebag.
stab456 (2 months ago) Show Hide
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your a nerdy fucking prick... so what if he's fat....does it affect your life any whatsoever??
get a fucking girlfriend
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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fucky fucky stupid fucky
lost his head, now its mucky
found on youtube, changed into a douche
stab456 is an aids infected, swine flu cantageous bag of dicks.
iamalmightyme (3 months ago) Show Hide
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lol and your fucking scrawny and have a wierd shaped head... this video is 10 times the piece of shit the other is!
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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damn straight, i can run a mile with out losing my breath too! im proud to be a scrawny fuck you health hating sick fuck. do you want to die young? keep drinking that mountain screw and maybe you will. a painful death if your lucky.
lolzmanofdoom2 (3 months ago) Show Hide
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dude, not cool, dont make hidious comments on someone you dont know, really gay manm ur no better then him, worse infact. and u should get out of ur moms basement cus shes not feeding u well at all, at least the other guy is well fed...metaphoricly speaking
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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my god. i would suppose that comment would have any gravity what so ever, if you hadp roperly formatted it into something readable, and not this fucking chicken scratch you call writing.

go cry to mama, because poor little baby got a booboo on the net, and his diaper his full. thats right shit for brains, im talking to you.
emspixie (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Are you kidding me? That was the funniest vid I think I have ever seen. Stop hating because the wind would blow you away.. looks like you are ill! Lots of bad luck to you for being a jerk!
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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thanks, youll need it. by the way, did you know that bad luck is going for $400.00 per square inch on the black market? god! thank you for wishing me bad luck! now i can pay my mortage and hire your prostitute mother for five hours of vigorous fucking.

go on, say something else. i dare you.

JKB3st (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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no. im the t-1pwnedya.
hoopabergo (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Oh my god you are a malicious man. I don't know how boogie will be able to sleep when a rednut faggot who cant see his own minuscule cock without his inch thick glasses teases him. Demeonte2, grow a dick. You are nothing more than a moldy, used cunt rag.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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and you are the bastard that caused me to become a rusty old cunt. i hope you can see the logic in this. because if youre trying to be funny and or popular. then you will go nowhere in life. do you know your mother reads your youtube comments almost everyday?

she also told me you still wet the bed. even when your standing up.
Billyboy2288 (3 months ago) Show Hide
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"Women you've ever met" ? u look like u haven't seen a pussy in your life u ugly fuck, at least if someone's fat they can lose weight, your just an ugly fuck who srsly has nothing better to do...You're destined to be alone and miserable your entire life. Go fuck yourself.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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wow... another ghettotard response. look, juggalo, i think your 79 pinto is calling you. dont forget the crunk juice while youre at it.
jakeisthemanohyah (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Wow ur a fucking faggot really dude, what right do u ahve personally attacking a human being that has no relation, and no idea who the hell u even are. Get a life looser.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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the same right that you have commenting on my vid like this. its called the FREEDOM OF SPEECH BITCH!
keithp (3 months ago) Show Hide
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People arguing about mangos is funny. :P Who cares, all I care about is how the mango tastes. :P
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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i love mangos too! do you like yours just before their ripe enough, so they get that sour taste to them? i love that! sour!
impishrazor (3 months ago) Show Hide
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Get some weight man.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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drop some testacles man.
brandonsmith760 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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Fuck u.... u are a Jew!!!!!!!!!!!! i love Jessy
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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no... im not a jew. im something else. fuck you.
ScarzVampX (4 months ago) Show Hide
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F ilthy
A sshole
G inger

Hey, lol that sounds like a description of you!!! If boogie has to loose weight, then for fuck sake grow some real hair on that head of yours...
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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you know... i tried... i really did. and apparently boogie still has ten thousand pounds to lose off of that rotunda pork belly of his. but tell you what, the moment he reaches nicole richies weight, ill consider that YOU SHOULD FUCKING SHUT UP YOU LITTLE PIG BITCH!
jacknivedoesdemo (4 months ago) Show Hide
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fuck you skinny ranga leave fatboy mango alone.
pukeythe3rd (3 months ago) Show Hide
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lmao funny
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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^lmao... retard.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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hold the phone... did you just tell me to leave ranga mango raping fatass alone? that sir, is offensive to you sensative eyes! you sir, should go get raped inthe face with a chainsaw!
jamezcee (4 months ago) Show Hide
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so what if he's fat, well guess what ur ginger deal with it
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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i have. im proud to be ginger, im a rare breed, unlike you. fucking swine, infesting the face of our planet like a swarm of flies over a rotting corpse.
mantyno (4 months ago) Show Hide
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Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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diseasedkisses (5 months ago) Show Hide
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he can loose weight you'll always be ugly.=D
CrysisFear (4 months ago) Show Hide
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lol best comment i ever red
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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no... V, that, is the best comment evah. btw? LEARN TO FUCKING WRITE ASSMUNCHING ASS HAT!
CrysisFear (14 hours ago) Show Hide
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Look youre ugly and you also have bad character.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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REALLY!? OH DEARY ME! WHATEVER SHALL I DO!? I AM LOST! just like you popularity with women. lost, gone, forever in an abyss of desperation, of the likes you will never see again!

fuck faced bitchfag.
XxXRedSkullsXxX (5 months ago) Show Hide
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Fuck off, stop being an ignorant cunt. You really need to stop being so shallow. Instead of looking at other and telling them what's wrong to make yourself feel better You really need to look in a mirror and do something to make yourself feel better.
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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no. you stop being the ignorant cunt, go bleed out your birth canal, maybe even stuff cotton sticks in your mouth. whats that? you cant hear me because of your tampons?
3790anssi (5 months ago) Show Hide
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Cant believe this guy is saying loose some weight :D this guy got a fucking skinny disease lmao
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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yes. i am. i am saying lose some wieght, because obviously, that would be the healthy alternative to making videos about a fat retard who rapes mangos in his spare time. think about it. do you hate working out?
xxc3lld4m4gexx (5 months ago) Show Hide
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too long....did not listen
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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whatever. not like you actually matter to anyone.
xtrashotty (5 months ago) Show Hide
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well youre ginger skinny speco runt , why post videos like this hating on peoples videos and appearences ... i enjoy boogies videos and if you dont then just dont be invovled with them , the world would be a better place without people like you
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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not really. conan obrians a red head as well. so are you saying that you want to kill conan o brian? YOU WANT TO MURDER CONAN O'BRIAN SIMPLY BECAUSE HE HAS RED HAIR? YOUR DAD MUSTVE RAPED YOU IN YOUR SLEEP!
xtrashotty (1 hour ago) Show Hide
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Yes and i very much enjoyed it u smelly fishy overgrowen lanky wanksatin.
boogie2988 (5 months ago) Show Hide
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i told you it was the worst video on youtube about mangos. you fail for reading.

also, you noticed i'm fat. you get an A+ at noticing things.

I disagree with your opinion but i'll die defending your right to have it! and/or heart attacks.
Fettmopps1991 (4 months ago) Show Hide
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You can lose weight - he can't lose his face. :)
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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no... your wrong. through thep ower ofp lastic surgery, i can lose this face. i just choose not to because it bugs you so much.
stevokwhl (4 months ago) Show Hide
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YEAH! you tell em boogie!
Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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Demeonte2 (15 hours ago) Show Hide
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hey booger. snotty, clinging piece of mucus, obese mango eating flatulent over sensitive prick face, man boob monster, jubba the fuck nut, slappy mchugetits.

shut up.

You just love the attention so much don't ya? I will give you an award, you Morgan Gavin, are the Twit of the Year! The most RETARDED INTERNET TROLL EVER!! You make other trolls look normal by comparison!

As I have said before, this blog is simply a public service announcement, Morgan James Gavin who lives in Hesperia California, is one sick puppy, who should be avoided at all costs! Never leave children unattended in his presence. And never have a conversation with him, since he has a sick perversion of recording every conversation he has with others. If you see this guy in public, you should stay clear of him as he has been known to try and latch onto people's legs and hump like a dog.

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