Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just a video response!

Well, Morgan still has not really learned a thing yet! It's like talking to a brick wall, except, if you look at Buddha, at least he got Enlightenment from the Wall he sat in front of! Hmmm, does that mean that a Brick wall has more Intelligence then our friend Morgan???

Here is his latest post (that's right Chuckles, you still EPICALLY FAIL at giving an apology)....

i will not tolerate the ignorant

uswin wood, you have my deepest apologies for whatever harm has been done to your mind, soul, body, existence, heart, liver, lungs, eye, family. your brother has threatened to kill me if i dont remove the blogs, and i have reread some of hauptman111s comments. i thank you for directing my anger and vengeance upon a more worthy person. i will henceforth blast the fucking crap out of that fucking dipshit like no tommorow until he fucking removes that god damned picture.

he will pay. dearly.

on a side note, frederick wood must not EVER attempt to contact me again through any means what so ever, or i WILL sick the police on him for death threats. i have many blogs to go through, and much thinking to do as well. that fucking dick will fucking regret the day he pissed me off. brian, not fred.

This is all I have to say here this morning.....

Just do yourself a favor and give up on attacking anyone! I mean, Jesus, why do you even watch television? Nothing pleases you, Everything upsets you! At this point, at least you took down most of the crap you had up, maybe now is the time to talk to Brian and ask him, nicely to take down the picture he has up, informing him that you have already done the same. Who knows, he might do it this time. (Although, you still have your rant and picture up here..... which is a big reason why I am not done with you yet!)

I don't care about the Oscars myself, but I don't sit there and bitch about it. I just don't bother watching. And what's with the word Blowjob? We really don't need to know about your sexual fantasies of giving head to the entire male Academy committee!

Just Go and get a REAL job and start doing more with your life then sitting in your room, watching TV, playing with yourself, while you run your camera and watch youtube videos to rag on!

An Edit: Please don't try the excuse of, "I forgot the password for some of my sites and cant take anything down" Because all of these sites have a password recovery feature, using your e-mail address, and even those that might not, do have a help desk you can contact through e-mail.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This doesnt cut it Chuckles!

As can be expected from our friend Morgan, even when he makes an intelligent start at something he ends up falling on his face in STUPIDITY! He finally decides to do something he should have done almost a week ago, Apologize, but then becomes a little bitch! Lets take a look at it and I will add my comments along the way........
(Note that his words will be in Yellow, my comments in white)

Wednesday, 14 October 2009


uswin wood, i, morgan james gavin, do declare thati have been acting both uncouth, and not very smart in regaurds to you. i here by apologize for all theoretically impossible accusations that i have made against your person. i have a little respect for you, anf for that im giving you this apology, not because i wanted to, but because web stalkers all over the world are giving me shit about it. this is precisely as sincere as i can get with you since the stupid rabbit man, george grant/hauptman111/whoever the hell else, has decided to chronicle my blogs in an attemtp to better understand my mind... which by all accounts is a little hard to do, even by my standards.

Web stalkers all over the world huh? LOL! At least ya got a following Chuckles! I'll make ya famous! But right here, you fall on your damn face, no sincerity here. "im giving you this apology, not because i wanted to..." And of course it is hard to understand you! It's hard to understand any STUPID person, in how they express themselves or what makes them act well... so STUPID in the first place!

so to end this debacle of a situation, im apologizing, plain and simple. get ready because here it comes, and you dont want to blink.

im sorry.

there. see, that wasnt as hard i thought it was going to be. i would apologize in person, but the only possible place could meet you, i have been banned from by robert... who i do not apologize to. ever again. but thats besides the point, uswin wood, im focusing on you here. because of what i have seen and remembered of you, you are both humble and, dare i say it for fear of armegeddon, kind. no, let me take that back, because i have to just get this out of my system while at the same time, trying not to get vulgar. you are kind and humble, when not making fun of people, recounting tales of your own stupidity, or just plain making an ass out of yourself. your intelligent as well, it takes a real man to go out into the wilderness and get to shooting other men with pain pellets. so in that regaurd you are humble and kind.

Can you not do anything WITHOUT trying to put another person down? I mean, I realize, just by looking at you and by the way you come across, I am sure you were beat up and picked on regularly as a kid. But Like I told you in an earlier blog, You cant blame the World for who you are or for what happened to you as a child, You have some serious issues dude! I know Uswin well enough that I highly doubt he ever picked on you! So why try to put him down while apologizing to him? And please, use a spell checker or something! The Word is REGARD, not "REGAURD" or in your self proclaimed image of being a genius, are you creating your own words now? DNA was a waste on you! Hell your Dad was cheated, he should get his money back!

but i digress from the simple fact that this apology, because it is just that, an apology to satisfy those that think they are above my in some way or another, when we are all on equal ground, despite interior thinking. i apologize for calling you out as a trekkie spanker. which is all i did in realty. i apologize that you let your fear of what others would think of you get in the way of yo urealizing that this is the exact same prank that brian and darryl pulledo n me, because they thought it would be funny. now you understand the anger and substantial fear that i went through myself. i also apologize that despite what you may or may not think of me, that you all fell into place just as i predicted, and reacted just the way i planned for you to react.

"this is the exact same prank that brian and darryl pulledo n me, because they thought it would be funny. now you understand the anger and substantial fear that i went through myself." Then why did you pull Uswin into this in the first place, if your issues were with Brian and Darryl? And if you "planned" all of this, then you shouldnt be upset that you are being brought to task on your BS. Being the poster boy of STUPID seems to be just what you want!

i apologize that the one whose greatest weakness is his greatest strength did not even think of the possibility that maybe there was more to this thought originally thought. because there was, it was all a social experiment, a carefully planned out one that all who were supposed to do their parts, did them perfectly well and without knowing. there was no harm intended, and trust me, it took a lot of restrain to blurt it out in front of your faces like i wanted to. i apologize that your feeling were hurt, i apologize that you had to whine at me through other people instead of confronting me like a real man about the whole thing. i apologize that i found out the sort of person you are, rather then dealing with the situation your self, you have other people do the work for you with out ever having to get your hands dirty.

I call BS here buddy, " there was no harm intended" you put your crap up on 24+ websites, so there was malicious intent and defamation of character here. And also, Uswin didnt ask anyone to do anything, I decided to act on my own, so deal with that Sherlock.

lifes a bitch, people do stupid things, for even stupider reasons, and like a single pebble in a pond, everything rippled, raged, and ranted about what a horrible person i am with out considering that maybe it was all one big plan. i apologize uswin, to the smartest man who ocldve figured it all out, i apologize deeply and with a great sense of pride that i pulled the greatest experiment ever and the data i gathered was absolutley critical to what im about to do next.

Yep, people do do stupid things, but you really have done some of the dumbest things I have ever witnessed. And you just dig your hole deeper and deeper.

i apologize to the people who thought that you were a pedophile, who now have seeds of doubt about both your character and mine, who are both furious and laughing. i apologize because i want to apologize, and not because others want me to. ill let you in on something that im particularly good at doing. i know how to bait something just right, to hook you on a single though and have it drag your around till you get ready to do something about it. im prefectly capable of creating drama when there should be none.

the reason you need me to apologize to to feel good about yourself. congratualtions, uswin, you got what all the sock puppets wanted.

im sorry. im so desperately sorry. im incredibly sorry that it tickles me red in the face that people whom you have direct influence over have done the same thing to me as i have to them, and they think its alright to blame me for their misfortune. i hate the fact that everything worked out to plan, something i started, i finished. amazing aint it doc?

so to you, and you alone, i apologize for all the ways your feelings have been hurt. but, i dont apologize for one thing alone. that you were unable to leave this alone, that you were unable to tell brian to take down the picture of me, that you alone couldve realized that it was a direct mirror of what they did to me. and now you understand the dangers of pranking me.

I'm still here Chuckles, and I dont see any danger! And again, you fail to grasp that Uswin is not involved in this, it's just me you have to deal with!

ill apologize for one more thing, because im in a giving mood. i apologize... well, i apologize because as long as brian keeps that pic of me up there on his profile, i will not remove the posts. those are my terms and ocnditions for removal of the oh so horrible thing i mustve done to you for other to get involved.

and that IS my apology, and its out their for all to see.

i apologize dearest uswin, because now i have the greatest idea for a story based upon the data i have gathered. and this is sincere, whether you or rabbit man want to beleive it or not.

signed, written, and dictated by morgan james gavin this fourteenth of october, in the year of 2009.

Well folks, now you can see the twisted mind of one SICK PUPPY! Lock your doors, say your prayers, and especially HIDE YOUR CHILDREN! For tonight he might be walking abroad, on your street, maybe in your neighborhood! He may just be wearing a trench coat and may only flash you, or it could be worse....... Who knows, but Morgan is most definitely not playing with a full deck.

No wonder you were picked on as a child!

Truth Hurts dont it?

In Morgan's latest blog he decides to focus on his writing, Let's take a look at it shall we. (A random thought! Are you actually capable of "focusing", I mean your blog sites are so stupidly random it's truly pathetic)

In "The Stogh: Year one We find out what a Sky Flarn is, but the story itself is the most dysfunctional, unreadable, UNINTERESTING story I have ever FORCED MYSELF to read. But I do these things just so that I can let all my viewers know not to waste your time! continues the mindless tale, Tell me Morgan, were you using Crack while you wrote this?

The tale goes on into three paths between his rather strange characters, Slim, Cero and Squigs. None of these characters has any personality that would endear them to readers, the sentences just flow one into another, and for it supposedly being an original world and such, why would a dying Sky Flarn start muttering about Restaurants and caviar?

Also Morgan, in all your time on a computer, why haven't you learned to use a simple spell checker yet before posting? Also, you know nothing about writing, you break so many rules, an example would be this right here....
"...he wasnt used to the muscles and wires that helped his facial muscles move,....."
You use "Muscles" twice within several words. A better way to write this would have been, "he wasn't use to the muscles and wires that made his facial FEATURES move....."

Also, this whole part here makes NO SENSE at all.....

since the twenty three souls that she took with her werent awake yet, she couldnt do anything about them, so she had tied them all together with a piece of thick rope and tied the end of it to her waist and easily flew upwards. she noticed that the souls werent even the slightest bit heavy since at the moment they were just balls of light that had the slightest bit of substance on them."

If they are just balls of light, how the fuck did she tie them together with a rope? Dependent upon size, which you do not state at all here, you have to see this is impossible. Try tying some tennis balls together, or marbles with rope ya retard. Also, souls tend to not have ANY weight at all, they are incorporeal, ya know? Like Spirits. Also, if they can fly, then why do they even need to have "primitive tools" to get down from the mountain? This story could have been done in two paragraphs!

Sorry Chuckles but your writing is Epic FAIL, and your other original stories pretty much fall into the same degree of being totally uninteresting. Your characters have no depth, nothing that a reader can even relate to, Your creature ideas leave the reader going "Huh? What?" No Publisher would waste more then 5 minutes reading your first chapter before taking a match to it, or placing it in a shredder and going onto other works by actual writers. (And 5 minutes is being generous here :P )

The Movie "Yellow Submarine" made more sense, but then again, it was a visual piece, and as a book was a picture book.

So in the end, on this particular episode, and my review of this particular story written by our friend Morgan, I would advise anyone who tries to delve into this story, Find a drug dealer before reading, you may find some enjoyment out of the prose with some heroin, crack, or LSD running through your veins! Otherwise you will come away simply asking yourself why you wasted 20 minutes of your life reading what has to be the most boring piece of dribble ever thought of!

I will end today's entry with the new Morgan Gavin Theme song!

Retard Brain! Created by Josh "The Ponceman" Perry, a very cool guy who has Downs Syndrome and yet has far more intelligence then Morgan and is actually taking his disability and overcoming it through real comedy. I have alot of respect for this guy! Unlike Morgan, who is just a LAZY and STUPID individual.

To Quote Ponce..... BBYYYEEEEEE!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

And the Infection of Stupid grows!

Welp, here is the latest response from Morgan....

ok. ill play ball.

heres what is going to happen if your going to keep this game going. ill do what you ask the next chance i get, which might be a while. but in return, because im the kinda guy that likes a fair trade, and this has to be done FIRST. brian must take the pic of me down and apologize on his blog in the same manner that you want me to apologize to the wood brothers. next linzey takes down her posts about me and apologize as well. finaly you must take this blog down (and ill take down all but three blogs linked to my posterous) and never bug me again. finally Robert must at least hold a job for three weeks to get himself some sort of home. these are the terms of agreement and must be fullfilled before i do my part in this already drawn out idiocy of egos. if you agree then text me. david has my number. you have one month from the time of this being posted.

Firstly Morgan, your attitude sucks here, gotta tell ya that Chuckles. Again you assume things that I have already clearly and truthfully stated are false. I have no connection with Brian or his Girlfriend, I only learned their names from YOU yourself. I also find it a laugh riot that you gave Brian a full public apology, but that HE is continuing to burn you online, however I have seen no such attacks,(How about some links for proof Chuckles.) except that he still has the picture of you up, his girlfriend's site is closed to me, since only friends can view it which brings me to....

Second, That being said, you talk about being a "Fair" guy, yet, you want me to control others I have no control over, as this blog has stated many times, your fight with Brian is none of MY business, just as it was none of Uswin's business, I am one of Uswin's friends you BOZO! That doesnt mean I know any of the others involved in your BS. Uswin has not attacked you, and is in fact staying out of the issue, I am, let us say, his un-asked for stand-in. All I have asked is that you take down all your shit, and apologize to USWIN, show me where I have said, apologize to everyone. The reason you need to take down all your crap is NOT because I am fighting for everyone here, I am only sticking up for my friend, but almost all of your attacks include Uswin's name, therefore they need to come down, that is your fault not mine.

Third, Again, I have no control over people, and when it comes to Robert, I only know the name, not the man himself, but I will say this, WHO THE FUCK do you think YOU are to DEMAND that another person do something they may not be able to do under the current economy! What a total little Prick you are! The only reason you have a roof over your own STUPID head is because you live at your Mommy's house and she takes care of your lazy, stupid 25 year old ass! Or maybe she really doesnt give a shit for you, but at least you can take care of the Horse shit on the property when you arent playing RETARDED CAMERAMAN. So how about you leave homeless people alone, if Robert is truly a Homeless person, he is suffering quite enough without your stupidity and hate, you should be happy enough with his misery to let it go at that. Winter is coming along and everyone can see that you have NO REAL concern for the man, ya little Son of a Bitch!

Lastly, I dont do texting, and I dont know David, and really dont want to know him, since he seems to be a little bitch running back and forth between you all, and just stirring up more trouble, I wouldn't be surprised if he is getting a kick out of it all manipulating you. And as for your, "You have one month!!!" remark, LOL I have all the time in the world here

Now, here is my proposal, once again ya little weasel, You WILL publically apologize to Uswin Wood, You WILL take ALL of your hate posts down! I really dont give a shit what Brian does, or Darryl, that is a seperate problem from me! I will then go onto other topics of stupid, hell, who knows, if you can show me links of where Brian and his Girlfriend have continued to attack you, they may be my next poster people of Stupid, since I hate this kind of BS. My advice to you, is that you simply stop attacking anyone on the internet and just write your stories and post your pictures. Maybe try to do some videos that arent attacking other's on youtube! Ya know, PLAY NICE!

In the meantime Chuckles, Stop trying to play like your Hitler and can make demands here. You are not in any control here, afterall, I have video evidence of you stating that you could legally attack everyone because of them attacking you, (Even though YOU admit you started this whole mess in the first place!) and your Freedom of Speech views, (Which are actually warped but whatever!) Since you continue to leave your LIBEL and HATE attacks up on all of your sites (Like this one, ) Since it seems this is the only way to get through to you, I offer the following......

See folks, This is why our Friend Gavin gets so many negative comments on YOUTUBE, he puts up mindless videos and video response attacks of other's vids and as you can see, He does LOOK LIKE A CREEPY PEDOPHILE! Currently he isnt, at least not that we know of yet!

Now, of course, it is his RIGHT to put up the videos he does, but ask yourself, at 25 years of age, arent these videos he makes of himself, well...... STUPID?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Im your Huckleberry!

From our good friend Gavin, the following....

im going to ignore any insults you threw at me and get down to brass tacks. ive said sorry enough times. the only thing i regret was uswins inclusion in the pic. i wont deny that the wood brothers are good folk. however i must say that you arent an actual person. because on brians profile it warns people of me and then again here you ask the readers what you told them. so that proves without a doubt that this is a sockpuppet account. i dont really care for cowards that dont have the balls/ovaries to reveal their true names and faces. i do know that you will eventualy get bored and move on to other things of interest.

You have apologized? Where? I havent seen any actual apology from you yet, nor have you actually taken down any of the posts you put up attacking Uswin, you have just been playing a shell game using your 24+ blogs in a lame attempt to hide your attacks from your victims, while actually still keeping your crap up on the internet.

You state "the only thing i regret was uswins inclusion in the pic." But I don't see that in the video evidence below, do you? In fact in the video you say clearly to the camera "Not really, not really, but hey, THAT IS LIFE" Your words! You also called him a "Fuckin prick" as well! Maybe your just starting to regret it now huh? But not enough yet to do the RIGHT thing by him? I do agree that the Woods are fantastic people, so Great in fact that they deserve more from you then this...

That is an apology? Doesnt seem very sincere to me! In fact you seem pretty damn pleased with yourself here. By the way, I am a very real person, but since you cant seem to tell the difference between the real world and your clearly drug induced hallucinations, you can believe what ya like. Maybe Im one of those "Sky Flarns" you babble about. Ya never know Chuckles. But no matter, Real or Imaginary, I'm your Huckleberry!

At least, until you do the RIGHT thing here! :D I'm a patient guy!

Note: Copyright "Sky Flarn" belongs to M. Gavin and I dont think anyone besides himself really knows what the fuck it is!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

So off the Mark STUPID

As Bugs Bunny use to say "What a Maroon!" In today's episode of the Stupid that is Morgan Gavin He is now calling on his Imaginary friends to wage a Holy Crusade against two people that are in no way connected to ME. Just for you Gavin, I am outside of your circle of victims, I'm not Brian Quinones (nor Linzey either) Im not Darryl Maples, I am not Uswin Wood nor a member of his family, and I am not Robert. I already told ya once on this blog, I dont know you (Except through your words and videos), I've never met you. I only was made aware of your attempt at discrediting and spreading Libel (What you call "Cyber-bullying.") on the internet and have tried to get you to "SEE THE LIGHT" and not only get you to stop attacking people through the Internet, but to also offer up my friend Uswin Wood, a sincere and humble Public apology on all 24 of your sites, as well as going through everyone of them and removing all of your Defamation of Character posts. The difference being that I am not Lying to people about you nor spreading FALSE statements about you, I have no real idea as to why, but, you are STUPID!

The thing is, is that since you posted your audio track on Robert... whoever, I dont know him at all either, but he does make alot of sense in what he had to say to you! You really should have payed more attention to what he was saying, and less attention to the hand you had in your pocket, working the recorder while fondling yourself at the same time. Were you drunk during that discussion?

So with the confusion hopefully cleared up, here is Morgan's latest Blog entry! Now I actually love this blog he put up! He starts off with, "i dont like doing this at all.... " Then why do it? Far simpler to just fess up, stop your crap on trying to hurt innocent people over the internet, and make a public apology!

He goes on to say that he is all for Free Speech, but, then says that while he expects negative comments on youtube, his Blogs are a "different" matter!??? Really Morgan? When you allow comments on any internet service, be it your blog, twitter, Youtube, then people have the right to respond positively or negatively as they see it. On the otherhand, you can disable comments on some sites, like Youtube, Block users, etc.... But the bottom line is that when you put your personal life up on the Internet, you better expect that not everyone is going to have rainbow comments with carebear hugs for you. If ya don't like the comments then dont post on the internet

Freedom of Speech, just as you said, However, even Freedom of Speech has limits when you cross into our other freedoms, Morgan. You tried to ruin at least 4 person's lives with your "prank" and you did it with Malicious Intent opening at least 24 blogs and websites for the purpose of spreading Libel. You lied about these people Morgan! Me, I'm just saying you are stupid, and I am not asking for people to help me in educating you, while you constantly have been saying "Help me spread the word" etc..... Just like your most recent blog post below....

HELP ME PLEASE! i have a problem that needs immediate attention.

i dont like doing this at all.... but it has to be done regaurdless of my personal opinions, im an agreeable guy to an extent, but... i just dont like where this is headed, im incredibly patient when it comes to some things, im used to the comments i get on youtube, but my blogs a completely different matter all together. if there is anyone out there who can help me with this problem, do so IMMEDIATELY. i respect the freedom of speech, and i condone it as well. but one thing i never do is go to other people blogs or websites and insult them outright like these two have done to me. i have done nothing wrong except express myself outright. PLEASE HELP ME DEAL WITH THESE PEOPLE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

also on a side note: NO PHYSICAL OR PSYCHOLOGICAL HARM IS TO COME TO THEM. i simply wish these two to stop stalking me online and cyber bullying me.

he or she has been stalking me on the web as hauptman111 with an alias of george grant. ill even send you a link to their (its a couple) site they have set up to personally herass me. here is a list of all the insulting comments theyve made. they are a couple about to married, their names are brian and linzey.

1. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Just a few more!" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

"I just had a thought Morgan! Didnt you say in an earlier post that you had three chapters to write, and books to proof read and Blah blah blah??????

You arent going to get that stuff done wasting your time posting up your childish attempts at photography/animal pornography!"

2. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "More pics!?" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

Having trouble holding the camera straight? What is it? Is that pole giving you a hard on as you think back to your last depressing career move in trying to be a pole dancer at Blue Clam gay bar? Another failed job attempt in the end, wasnt it?

3. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "123people makes me depressed..." on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

Your mind has always been in a haze because there is nothing where your brain use to be except a the haze of inhaled socal air. And I think a glimmer of truth must have somehow penetrated that haze (or maybe it was just your gay boyfriend skull fucking you again, who knows? I'm really not that interested in your private life) But you win the prize there Chuckles, I am sure of one thing, you most assuredly were an unlikable person then, and you still are now!!

Hope this helps with your self awareness :)

4. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Just a few more!" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

WOO HOO Bring um on, I have plenty of great comments to share!

It's all about Stupid! (Please think of the Bunny)

5. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Untitled" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

My caption for this one... "When a Blow up Sex doll just isnt enough! Morgan recommends the Just MY SIZE raggedy Andy! It reminds him of an 8 year old boy!

6. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Untitled" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

Didn't..... Didn't I already comment on this one? Oh Yeah... If you see this face, HIDE YOUR CHILDREN!

7. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Untitled" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

If this poor animal could talk, she would say "My Ass hurts so much! Please kill me now!"

8. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Untitled" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

Is this the face of a Pedophile? I'm just asking!

9. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Yet again more of the little fucks" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

You better treat that cat right because to quote a famous movie phrase, "This is the only Pussy you are EVER going to get!"

It's all about Stupid! (Please think of the bunny)

10. Hauptmann111 just commented on the post "Do you hate me yet? No? Ok more pics!" on The mind of Morgan James Gavin

LOL I dont think there is anyone who likes you, except maybe your parents, but they arent exactly known for their opinions.

here is their myspace, along with their twitter and the blogger sites as well. ive already taken the liberty of blocking them from contacting me. please do something about these two!




and individual myspace accounts:



(Notice how he says, Ive already blocked them from contacting me, Please do something about these two? And then puts up all of their websites for others to attack these people. For those who might want to help Gavin out, only the first three links are mine, so dont bother the last two, they honestly are clueless about me! Anyway I can say I have not had any e-mails or comments yet, must be hard for an Imaginary friend to use a real keyboard or connect to the REAL internet. But I just bet I am getting flamed online by Rumpledick the Sky Flarn right now in Sugar-Rainbow-Candytown!)

I want to thank you for saving all of those great comments I made Morgan, I love how you try to hide which blog posts or pictures these went to, I'll fix all that later!

In the meantime, a little clip to show you that I have been documenting too and have in my possession everything!......

In the video below, I have actually edited two of Gavin's videos, I had to edit these due to Gavin not being able to stay on a topic without his going off on mindless tangents and what can appear at times to be a
Tourette's syndrome issue.

Basically the above is just under 3 minutes of video that came from 15 minutes total on two videos, all mindless and off topic garbage edited out! (Like Morgan, who cares if ya played Darts and won 5 bucks! I guess for you, a person without an income, 5 bucks is a big deal, but let's face it, 5 bucks doesn't buy a happy meal anymore, No toys for Morgan!)

Seems like you are really happy in the video about your "Prank" upsetting people, yet now, you arent happy anymore! Poor Morgan, if you cant take the truth, then you should never have opened this Pandora's box YOU CREATED! Again, this is MY RIGHT to FREE SPEECH!

Like ya said yourself Morgan, you have no case against anyone! Thanks for the video
evidence to go along with all of your blog postings. Just remember, YOU got BANNED from a COLLEGE CAMPUS, no one else! Makes me wonder just what the hell you wrote in that e-mail you spammed out all over the internet! Being drunk at the time is NO excuse! Just like with cars, when Drunk you should stay away from keyboards!

Note: Copyright "Sky Flarn" belongs to M. Gavin and I dont think anyone besides himself really knows what the fuck it is!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

And He Still doesnt get it!

In the latest on our good friend Morgan, instead of doing the right thing and addresing his issues, he turns to trying to use what I like to call, "The Pot calling the Kettle Black defence!" Poor Morgan is being "Cyber-Bullied!"

In his latest move, he has now disabled his comments feature.... Wasn't like anyone outside of Myself was using it anyway! He also announces that he finally took a bath today! How long since the last one Morgan, 3 months?

Let's look at Morgan's latest hard work at avoiding what he should have done instead of spending the time avoiding it shall we. From his blog.....

"Cyber-bullying can be as simple as continuing to send e-mail to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels (i.e., hate speech), ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation."

Cyber-bullies may disclose victims' personal data (e.g. real name, address, or workplace/schools) at websites or forums or may pose as the identity of a victim for the purpose of publishing material in their name that defames or ridicules them. Some cyberbullies may also send threatening and harassing emails and instant messages to the victims, while other post rumors or gossip and instigate others to dislike and gang up on the target."

"Cyberstalkers seek to damage their victim's earnings, employment, reputation, or safety. A 2008 High Court ruling determined that, generally speaking, slander is when a defamatory statement has been made orally without justification. Libelous statements are those that are recorded with some degree of permanence. This would include statements made by email or on online bulletin boards"

Um yeah Morgan Gavin, doesn't all of the above DESCRIBE YOURSELF and what you have been doing for over a month or so now? Also for you Morgan, unlike yourself, I have not made any threats, use far less vile language, and have posted no lies or libel remarks, I mean, let's face it, anyone going to any of your sites, especially your youtube account would easily see that for a 25 year old, you do come across as a STUPID individual... my case in point......

I mean, be honest here Morgan, the video above... this is what an 8 year old would put up, not a reasonably intelligent 25 year old adult! And besides, this and all of your other vids are just plain creepy dude, I mean really, you make Charlie Manson look well adjusted here!

Here is a thought, just on your youtube account alone, most of your vids are attacks on other people's videos! Do you see a pattern here Morgan? All you seem to do with your pathetic life is to bully or attack others. It is not the World's fault that you are STUPID, Blame the DNA and your parents for that one! And yourself! Because at the end of the day, YOU are responsible for who you are!

He also decided today to post up an audio tape he made of a confrontation he just had with one of the people HE is "Cyber-bullying
" A man named Robert.

Now I think we can all agree that Robert is PISSED, but what Morgan doesn't seem to understand, is that he is only facing the effects of his own actions in attacking this man with malicious intent over the internet!

Robert is JUSTIFIABLY UPSET about your Internet attacks on him Morgan! Yet you cannot seem to understand this, so I got to call it here for you, I AGREE with ROBERT, you truly are, to quote Robert, "THe BIGGEST FUCKING IDIOT, ON THE PLANET!" Again, this is all about STUPID.

You think you are being bullied? Let's look at this, I am not the one who signed onto 24+ websites and posted this crap over the internet.....

Let me copy it from your site here.....

hello folks!

It's your friendly neighborhood Dr. 3 Arms or Morgan Gavin... Which ever you prefer, I'm not partial. Ok, lets get this over with shall we? We've got a lot to cover and little time to cover it in right? So lets get to it, recently I've linked my Posterous account to the Google Analytics program, and good god is that thing detailed! Hell, it even told me what OS, browser, and screen color setting the users were using! It even let me know the city as well! So I'm going to try and see if I can do the same thing to my Myspace blog and see how that works out.
Ok, now that we've gotten that little tidbit out of the way, lets rip on Kanye for a bit shall we? Nah... I've already ripped on him enough as it is. The truth is folks, I'm in kinda bummed out right now. But I don't want to talk about it, so lets just get this over with as soon as possible. What was I talking about? Midget porn? What the fuck?
Anyways, as I was talking about earlier, Fox News is nothing more then a bunch of overdressed suits trying the monkey thing out. 'Cause all they can do really is fling poop at each other. Speaking of flining poop... Yes flining.... Get over yourself. This morning as I was working on a story I'm writing, these Jehovas witnesses popped up and kinda bugged the fuck out of me. They asked me if I had a minute and I had the mistake of... and I lost track of what I was talking about... I'm so confused at this point in time. lol... Fun times for all I guess.
Well, thats it from me. Oh yeah, those three pedophiles you saw in the post I did a yesterday? Could you please forward that link to all your friends and families? The more people know about those perverted freaks the faster we can put an end to their child porn ring they've been running for a few months now. I heard about it from the police report. So I'll include the link in this blog as well. Also, this will be a first, but I'm actually going to edit this one! Don't you feel special? Remember, the greater effort we make in putting a stop to child abuse ad child molestation, the greater the chances our children will have in the world!

Now, Morgan, what makes what you have done above allowable in your mind? Isnt this "Cyber-Bullying" as you call it? Putting this picture, along with clear lies and fabrications against a person who not only has NEVER committed such acts as you describe, but also never did anything to you! Did he post anything up about YOU? NO, Brian Quinones did that, and even with what Brian did, you didn't have to lower yourself to that person's level and post this crap on 24+ different websites.

Let us look at a few others.....

One that focuses on another victim, Darryl Maples..

Now these last two above, are the same post, Morgan has all of these posts up on 24+ blog sites, But I draw your attention to this post MORGAN because it was here that you actually made some recognizable kind of apology, to Brian Quinones, who is still actually attacking you with his Pedophile poster of you by the way. YET You still decide to attack Uswin Wood, who was not involved in your petty war (I know, there is alot of repetition here, sadly, when dealing with STUPID, the only way to get through is to repeat, over and over again, until the truth sinks into them!) Anyway I will quote your statements against Uswin from this particular post of yours.....

"I am still concerned about Uswin Wood and his teenaged Trekkie "spankings". So please continue spreading the word about Uswin Wood. I'll include the link to his profile.

Feel free to nail him with any insults you want!"

Now Morgan, you dont see here that you have been "Cyber-bullying" 4 people on your 24+ sites across the internet? Along with "Defamation of Character" statements?

You accused 4 people of being Pedophiles, you made FALSE statements against them. YOU encouraged others to attack them!

What have I done? I have said you are stupid, which, all the evidence you have provided me with clearly shows you to be STUPID! and Immature, and well, just plain plain CREEPY!

So before you think to use the "Pot calling the Kettle Black defence" Take a good look at yourself, because the only one here being a cyber-bully, is YOU! I dont have 24 different websites up attacking you! You DO have 24 websites up that have been attacking 4 people, for a month now

In the end Morgan it comes down to this.....

You are only being asked to do a few simple things here Morgan, and they should be simple now since you finally learned how to delete comments, or did Mommy or your cat help you here?

Again, this should be real simple Morgan...

Delete all of your hateful and FALSE statements from all 24+ blogs and twitter accounts!

Delete the picture you created from all places you have it put up!

DO Uswin the favour of a posted PUBLIC apology on all of the sites!

Really not asking for much here, and it has been all anyone has been asking of you for days now, just some common decency, but then again, you seem to just be a vengeful, small, stupid person.
But since we couldnt get through to you by being nice, I figure I would let a small part of the world know just what you my friend, are all about.

A final edit: The List of all sites that Morgan Gavin has been using for the purpose of Defemation of Character and "Cyber-Bullying!"

Friday, October 9, 2009

How an Immature, STUPID person apologizes

The latest example of STUPID brought to you by Morgan Gavin That I shall submit this evening is entitled, "How the STUPID apologize" Here is his half assed attempt at making an apology for trying to ruin my friend's reputation and indeed, his life.....

Thursday, October 8, 2009


folks, let me tell you something. im over whatever happened. its in the past, i like to look to the future and forget about what went down. that being said, i had a great day today. and the post bout the crazy crack head was about robert. so get your facts straight before makin stupid comments. while i could rant a little about all the woes and naysayers, im not going to. its obvious to me now that ill have to say who it is im insulting to avoid any confusion. the wood brothers are cool in my book. im wiped out. speaking of which, i should be done with ch6 by mid november.

Now Morgan Gavin seems to think that the above constitutes an apology, so let's look at the definition, from Merriam-Websters shall we....

Main Entry: apol·o·gy Pronunciation: \ə-ˈpä-lə-jē\Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural apol·o·giesEtymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French apologie, from Late Latin apologia, from Greek, from apo- + logos speech — more at legendDate: 1533
1 a : a formal justification : defense b : excuse 2a
2 : an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret
3 : a poor substitute : makeshiftsynonyms apology, apologia, excuse, plea, pretext, alibi mean matter offered in explanation or defense. apology usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with or without reference to mitigating or extenuating circumstances apology: that he would have met them if he could. apologia implies not admission of guilt or regret but a desire to make clear the grounds for some course, belief, or position apologia for his foreign policy. excuse implies an intent to avoid or remove blame or censure excuse for missing the meeting>. plea stresses argument or appeal for understanding or sympathy or mercy plea that she was nearsighted>. pretext suggests subterfuge and the offering of false reasons or motives in excuse or explanation pretext to get out of work>. alibi implies a desire to shift blame or evade punishment and imputes mere plausibility to the explanation alibi failed to stand scrutiny.

Now, based on the above, and looking at Morgan's post, anyone with an ounce of grey matter can see, there's no apology in Gavin's little statement, no regret for having tried to ruin a person's reputation through the internet.

Now, as I have delved into the situation, it would seem, that a guy named Brian Quinones, actually started this little pissy fight that went way too far, making a silly little poster of Morgan, now Morgan could have acted as an adult and in a smart way and simply done what my friend ended up doing, seeking legal and Police advice, but instead he went STUPID and lowered himself to Brian's level, However, he went further and began to target people not even involved in the argument. Now as the hole he has been digging has finally gotten way too deep, our friend Gavin decides to make amends, but not as an Adult would in simply admitting he went too far, and offering a sincere apology, instead he has to do it as a 5 year old might with his idea of saying, "I am sorry" being "The Wood brothers are cool in my book" WTF "The Wood brothers are cool in my book?" This clinches things for you when you tried to ruin Uswin's reputation? Accused him of a crime that I honestly, by looking at you, think you are far more likely to commit!

(Notice here 'Chuckles' that I said "Think" you are more likely to commit, youre young yet, who knows what the fuck you might do in the next few years)

Let's turn the tables here, If anyone had accused you of being a Pedophile and put it up on 24+ blogs and websites over the internet, just out of pettyness, would "Hey, Gavin is cool in my book" be concidered an apology by you? I mean, let's face it, Brian did at least put this up against you and it is actually still up on his site, yet you backed down from him, and then chose to go after Uswin, who was not even involved.

Personally Morgan, I only know you through your youtube sites and your blogs, but let me tell you, from what I have read and seen on these sites, I wouldn't want to know you, I wouldn't want you as a friend, hell I would most probably cross the street just to avoid you, if I saw you walking toward me. You really need to take a good hard look at yourself, You have to be the most negatively energized person I have ever come across. Look at the comments you get on your youtube channel, you should really be taking those to heart dude. And I am actually trying sincerely to help you here by saying this. Again, you need to really take a very hard and realistic look at just who you are and how you come across to people. Your attitude is not one that would draw people to you, it actually pushes people away! Think about that, and look at yourself HONESTLY!

I realize that in your own mind you think you are a fantastic person, but that isnt how others see you, It most definately is not how I see you, and let me tell you honestly here, taking away what you have done to Uswin, most of your postings are just way too negative, Ive met EMO's more positive and easier to be around then you. From what I have seen and read, you seem to thrive on negative comments, because let's face it, I havent read a single positive comment from anyone who visits your sites. And that is NOT a HEALTHY way to go through life!

Hope you can see why I still concider you the poster boy of STUPID here Gavin! My advice to you....

Grow some balls

Be a MAN

Fess up to your BS

Delete your shit from your pages and....

Type out a REAL APOLOGY!

You might just get off of the Stupid list if you do!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Digging deeper into the Stupid that is Morgan

Well gang, since I am bored as hell, I decided to look deeper into the Mind, or rather the empty space that resides between the ears of our friend Morgan. Clearly this pathetic excuse of an existence has NO LIFE! He lives on the internet, yet has no friends, since every account, other then his youtubes has no comments! he has...

1 Posterous account (From where all of his others can be found!)

3 twitter accounts! (Wouldn't one be more then enough?)

2 Facebook accounts! (One under his real name, another under a false name)

1 Friendfeed account. (He didnt go overboard here at least! Hey Morgan, maybe a second friendfeed would help get you friends!! Try it! You have nothing better to do)

1 Flickr account.

2 Youtube accounts. ( These are the only accounts where he gets any comments, and they are not friendly ones. In fact most of his 73 vids are under a minute long and are a complete waste of time to watch, they do nothing for art, comedy, not one intelligent remark. I get more entertainment watching Boxxy on youtube then this balding sorry excuse of life.)

An example... (He really should take his own advice here! Dont you think? This one actually has him talking somewhat coherently.)

3 Tumblr accounts!

3 Blogger accounts!

1 Live Journal account!

5 (YES FIVE) Xanga accounts

And finally.....
2 Wordpress accounts.

On all of these sites he has put up the same speil of mindless garbage and hate induced lies and allegations. While it seems, In MY Opinion, that Morgan is making a desperate attempt to find friends, he has clearly gone about it the wrong way and simply made enemies. Your 25 years old Morgan, do yourself a favour and grow up and get a job. It takes a very self destructive person to get BANNED from a college campus!! Wake the hell up and get some therapy! You clearly need some mental help. I cant help but say I feel heart sorry for Morgan's parents.

Can we all say this together for Morgan???..... "YOU HAVE NO LIFE!"

The best thing you could do, is to throw your computer away, in fact, stay away from computers completely, they are truely your Kryptonite there buddy! NOT GOOD for you at all! Keep away from all keyboards and just get outside and try living a real life. Also, stop wearing baseball caps, Take a bath now and then, change your underwear, and exercise. Because for a 25 year old, I doubt you will see 35. Your already balding (Wearing a baseball cap 24/7 and not washing your hair can do that!) You look like your 45, your health is clearly at risk here.

Again, this is all my Opinion, and based on what I have seen and read from your sites. I honestly came away feeling less intelligent after doing this in depth study into what makes you tick. Thank God for the Fox news network, I feel myself again!

Remember, this blog is "All about Stupid!" (Please think of the Bunny!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

It's all about Stupid!

Well, what is this about? Normally I wouldn't even bother with the idea of "Blogging" But a friend of mine was attacked by a blogger here and so I thought I would see just what the hell was going on!
This was the post that was brought to my attention...

To ensure it is still readable I have copied and quote it as follows...

Friday, September 18, 2009

please pay carefull atention to this blog post.

Dear readers,
In light of recent accusations of pedophielia on the parts of Brian Quinones and Darryl Maples, I was incorrect in any and all assumptions of those facts. They are innocent, only victoms of a cruel and viraly intended prank. Please forgive me of misinforming to you, the people that have so willingly participated in this vicious and uncalled for prank turned personal vendetta against people who are innocent at my request.
I am still concerned about Uswin Wood and his teenaged Trekkie "spankings". So please continue spreading the word about Uswin Wood. I'll include the link to his profile.
Feel free to nail him with any insults you want!
Brian Quinones is engaged to be married, to a woman with a young child. this information was not clear to me at the time of posting. It was with great pains, that I discontinued such accusations against his person for not only his benefit, but my own as well. Darryl, not so much.
You have every right to be angry with me, and I urge you to send me any complaints or thoughts you may have on the matter at:
I urge you to forgive this agrivated prank against Brian Quinones. I still consider the threat of child abuse and rape very much real, very much a virus that corrupts the world around us, which must be stopped at any and all costs. As well as the threat of childmolesters, pedophiles, rapists, murders, and all other things that are wrong with the world today.
Thats why, as well as asking you to forgive Brian of this terrible misconception that I have given you of him, I also ask that you urgently spread the word on Uswin and Darryl. Because the threat of pedophilia is a very real and constant reminder of the wrongs of the world.
No child should have to suffer humiliation that lasts him or her a lifetime. No one has the right to take away the happiness of the next generation through degrading and disgusting sexual acts. If you agree then please forward this to as many friends as possible.

This is his latest post.

This post and a few others is what brought me to want to reply to this individual, and the best way to reply was to form an account so that is what I did.

The story, from his own rantings seems to center on his being a writer of stories, it would seem that at least my friend and one other also dabble at writing and they are all people over the age of 21. Now it seems that some little rivalry is going through this guy's mind that I at least know isnt even there with my friend, he was actually blindsided by this attack on his Character.

The thing here is that this idiot is posting accusations up with no backing, none of these people have been accused, or arrested or even gone to trial.

To those who are being attacked by this fool, get a lawyer! get the federal government involved. To everyone else, This kind of immaturity is NOT what blogging is about! What this Gavin kid did IS a FEDERAL CRIME. Be careful how you use the internet! Here is the definition on Defamation of Character.....

Defamation Definition

What is Defamation?

  • False and untrue communication published with the specific intent of injuring another person’s reputation
  • Injured person must be identifiable
  • Libel—written form of defamation; Slander—oral form of defamation
i. e. Our friend Gavin here has accused several people, falsely, of committing a serious crime and identified them by full name on the internet!