Tuesday, December 29, 2009

A Legend in his own Stupid mind

Well, I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas, it looks like our good buddy Chuckles got alot of cash this year, because he up and blew it on "Self Publishing" which is the biggest joke in the literary world. From his Blog....

"I AM BEING PUBLISHED BY XILBIS! Me and a friend have struggled ten long stress filled years trying to get published, and I'm very excited because this just means to all those Haters out there that they are wrong and I am right."

Chuckles, first off the company's name is "Xlibris" not "XILBIS" and this is nothing to brag about. In fact, it only shows how utterly desperate you are for attention. A real writer would get an agent and then go through a reputable publishing house, if your book was truly worth publishing, you would not have to pay for it to be published. You have basically wasted your 300 bucks (LOL I do hope you didnt give these guys more then that, or you really are a STUPID asswipe! hey! I got a bridge for sale up in San Francisco!!! I'll sell it to ya cheap!!! BWHAHAHAH!) there Chuckles, but hey, if 300 bucks inflates your ego, then more power to ya. Personally you should have kept the info to yourself, since all you have done is provide me with more to laugh at about you!

So called "Self Publishing" houses are the biggest scam out there, preying on retarded individuals with dreams of grandeur! If you honestly spent 10 years trying to get published, the "RIGHT WAY" then it sounds like you were turned down big time, and after looking at what you call "writing" it is no wonder why, you cant spell to save your own soul, your sentence structure is for shit, and you have NO STORY whatsoever that anyone would want to read beyond the first two paragraphs. But of course, Xlibris wont tell you that, because they make money off of silly pea-brains like yourself. However, since you live in "Sugar-Gumdrop-candy-rainbow-land" I'm sure you will hug your personal paperback copy of your "story" to your chest and fondle it lovingly, thinking that you are "somebody" now. Take a good look at the paper, does it feel soft? That's because it's made from Charmin toilet tissue, and in the end, the only thing it will be good for is wiping your ass with. That is one expensive roll of toilet paper there Chuckles!!

Let's look at what some other folks have had to say about Morgan's writing, since he has posted his epic fail ramblings on many forum boards, just a small bit from a conversation he had with a homosexual guy on OKCupid about his "writing" I will add my own comments within ().....

[11:10:21 am]Aguafino:i'm just telling it like it is, you're fucking lame, your stories are lame, and someone should tell you (I'm sure many people have told you the same thing Chuckles)

[11:10:27 am]Morgan_Gavin:yes it is. its also called net bullying. (Telling you the truth is NOT bullying!)

[11:10:34 am]Aguafino:QQ

[11:10:41 am]Aguafino:are you this much of a pussyfart IRL

[11:10:46 am]Morgan_Gavin:well i thank you for your feedback and have duely ignoredi t.

[11:11:01 am]Aguafino:i don't give a fuck, you're still a loser

[11:11:05 am]Morgan_Gavin:i dont go on IRL, or 4chan (LOLOL Clearly, you speak the truth here, you have not been living in "The REAL WORLD for quite some time here Morgan! Somehow I see you running out from a little white house screaming "Boss, Boss!! The Plane, the plane!!! They havent shown any "Fantasy Island" reruns in a long time!!!!)

[11:11:17 am]Aguafino:...dont go on IRL?

[11:11:33 am]Aguafino:IRL = In REAL life.

[11:11:36 am]Morgan_Gavin:whatever man, all it really comes down to is you being angry at me for doing something that shakes the forums up a bit.

[11:11:37 am]Aguafino:you're a queef irl.

[11:11:51 am]Morgan_Gavin:in real life, i write alot. ok

[11:11:54 am]Aguafino:no, you just think you're way funnier/more creative than you really are

[11:12:05 am]Morgan_Gavin:its just my thing. i dont expect you to understand, nor care. (If you don't care, then why are you posting your trash everywhere on the net? And Arguing with people about it so much? Seems you care a great deal here Morgan! O_o)

[11:12:09 am]Aguafino:nobody likes your shit, and you spew it out and then bump each thread hoping people will accept you

[11:12:17 am]Aguafino:you crave attention, and it's sad.

[11:12:22 am]Morgan_Gavin:oh trust me, im way the hell more creative then you think i am.

[11:12:27 am]Aguafino:than*

[11:12:36 am]Aguafino:you have a 7th graders grasp on the english language

[11:12:39 am]Morgan_Gavin:then/than/whatever, (No! It's about using the right word, a writer would know the difference here! "Than" is correct, "Then" is not!)

[11:13:15 am]Morgan_Gavin:look, i dont really care at this point. because i just write like this.

[11:13:29 am]Aguafino:okay well nobody fucking cares about your "writing"

[11:13:34 am]Aguafino:its shitty as fuck to be totally honest

[11:13:43 am]Aguafino:in my objective opinion, your writing is fucking amateur

[11:13:49 am]Morgan_Gavin:if all you can do is point out the stupid things with out concentrating on the bigger picture, then your not only ignorant, your stupid as well. (You are wrong chuckles! If YOU can't take or accept honest objective criticism then you should not even attempt writing. To write a successful book, you have to look beyond what YOU think of your writing and stories and listen to what the READERS think. You can't hold a gun to people's heads and force them to read your book, let alone buy it! If it is trash, then all the advertisement on the interwebs means nothing if people dont buy! Dont expect any royalties anytime soon there Morgan! You could have had more enjoyment taking all the money you gave Xlibris and just set a match to it and watched it burn!)

[11:14:23 am]Aguafino:the big picture is you are a lame, lonely, ugly fucker who reaches out to remote obscure corners of the internet, ala dating webiste forums for acceptance and friendship

[11:14:28 am]Morgan_Gavin:the way i write is on purpose to sort out the stupid from the intelligent. and obviously youve failed at this. (LOL Are you saying you are looking for more retarded people like yourself? Because the writing fails at being anything close to "Intelligent" A 3 year old could write a more entertianing story!)

[11:14:32 am]Aguafino:that which you lack and hunger for in real life

[11:15:13 am]Morgan_Gavin:nah, ive ogt friends in real life too, im just real busy trying ot get everything in order for the book to be published. thats all.

[11:15:21 am]Aguafino:you aren't publishing shit. (Well, here I disagree, actually you are publishing SHIT, You are paying someone to print you a couple of books and post up your trash in the hopes that some stupid idiot might accidently click on it and waste a few bucks... who knows someone may need some toilet tissue!! It will never find a place on any store bookshelf! Thank God.)

[11:15:29 am]Morgan_Gavin:lol, yeah i am.

[11:15:35 am]Aguafino:no, really, you aren't

[11:15:43 am]Aguafino:unless its totally self published (BINGO! Ya see Morgan? even this guy knows that "Self Publishing" is the last resort of the retarded, brain dead, "I live in my own little world where I am somebody" STUPID, individuals like yourself. Again, this could not be more laughable, that you are so pathetic as to pay out money to a scam business that preys on small minded people like you!)

[11:15:44 am]Morgan_Gavin:yes, really i am.

[11:15:49 am]Morgan_Gavin:whos going to stop me?

[11:15:53 am]Aguafino:to call your shit "writing" demeans real literature

[11:16:00 am]Aguafino:you have no talent

[11:16:03 am]Aguafino:give it up

[11:16:10 am]Morgan_Gavin:hey, writings writing. (No, it isn't! There is REAL Literature, and then there is CRAP! You fall under "CRAP!")

[11:16:12 am]Aguafino:you could probably do well in fugly porn (Doubtful)

[11:16:15 am]Aguafino:there's a market for it

[11:16:16 am]Morgan_Gavin:i have talent,

[11:16:21 am]Aguafino:you have NO talent

You see, the "Haters" aren't wrong Morgan, in fact you just proved them all to be RIGHT about your writing skills being the SUCK! How? Why? Because you are PAYING someone to "publish" your story up front, no matter if it is worth publishing or not. With a real publishing house, they would look at your story to see if it will sell or not, and would only make a deal with you if you actually had something they could sell, and of course a contract would be written up with percentages of the profits being split, this is why it is not easy to get published, you have to have a book that people will actually want to buy!

On the other hand Xlibris will print you a few copies of your book, exactly the way you wrote it, mistakes and all, and they will advertise it on the net, but it will never see the inside of a reputable bookstore, in fact, they state it will only be printed "on demand" and at the end of the day, few people go to the likes of such businesses when they are looking to buy a book. They do this with the full knowledge that your story is most probably trash and will not sell, but they risk nothing, they will print you a couple of cheap paperback copies, that wont cost them more then a few bucks, and someone will post a notice on their website which makes them look good to other pathetic losers who will do the same thing you did. Look at the fine print, they dont print books until someone orders one, then it is printed, and of course they will make the money on the sale, while you get a few pennies for the sale of each book! And in most cases, like your own, there wont be any sales outside of a few sympathetic relatives buying the book! :) So Xlibris made a few hundred dollars profit off of you, and when you figure that this is most probably a business run out of someone's garage that aint so bad for them!

Let me help you!, This woman has written a great series on the "do's" and "don't s" of getting published, I highly recommend you look at what she has written. This is how REAL WRITERS get published!






As you can see here, this woman knows her shit about how to get published! If you actually take the time to read what she has written, and can actually come up with a story worth publishing, you could do the same. But your current level of writing will keep you in the EPIC FAIL realm of "Self Publishing houses" like Xlibris!

Do yourself a favor Morgan, keep your schemes to yourself, because the only person you are impressing here is....... Yourself. The rest of us just get alot of laughs at how utterly pathetic and STUPID you make yourself out to be! Ya better buy Xlibris's best plan to truly stroke your ego to epic heights of shallow, illusionary FAME! It only costs $6,999, SAVE $7,000 right now with the Holiday sale they are having!!!!!

Platinum Package

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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Aww, we have a Bleeding Heart and It's Hesperia's Own Neverland Ranch Owner and Operator

LOL It never ceases to amaze me just how anal and STUPID our friend Morgan gets, I think he drank too much cough syrup today, and has started another drunken EMO rant.

The Bleeding heart.....

Let's look at his comments on his Ex-Girlfriend,
"First off, I'd like to talk a little bit about my fucking EX fiance... You know, the one I WAS supposed to marry, the one you were supposed to meet at the engagement party? The one the BROKE UP WITH ME THREE WEEKS BEFORE FUCKING TELLING ME!? Yeah, that one. I'd just like to rant for a few oh so fucking glorious minutes about that DARLING, oh so GRAND, and brilliant little NICE LADY! Of course, me being me, I can't really write insults or shell figure it out one way or the other. so those words in all caps? Just replace those with.... other terms."

Nobody cares Chuckles! In fact, I praise the Girl for having the intelligence to see she was better off dumping you then going through with something that would have ruined her life! Way to go Caasi :)

Then he goes on to cry about the rest of the World.....

Morgan now cries about how "Everyone" is just mistreating him so badly, how he has done nothing wrong, and how he has "cleaned up" his act. Man Chuckles, ya really need to get your story straight! If you are going to blatantly lie, at least do a better job of supporting your crap. You cleaned up one blog Chuckles, ya still have at least 25 others that need your attention, I've already provided links in other posts. Let's look at your tall tale here, you state that......

"Part of this plan was to simply stop going to Hauptman111's stalkerblog and getting so fired up about everything that he was saying. And trust me, it is a STALKER blog, by all means it is beyond hurtful and agrivating and completely arrogant for someone to continue writing those things about me, long after I've stopped writing about the likes of Brian Quinones. Though I still believe that Hauptman111 is nothing more then a mask for Brian and his fiance, Linzey, to continue harrassing me without ever having to reveal themselves, its already been proven many times over."

Let's see here Morgan, ya say you stopped writing about other people, like Brian Q. and yet, I found blogs you wrote as late as December 4th......

just a place to stupidly rant about anything that comes to mind

jump to navigation

the raising of morale December 4, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.

i have seen the future of the planet and her children, i have heard the voice of the universe call out to me like a treasured friend, and it told me to tell you something grand was in the works.

my readers, my wonderful wonderful readers, your patience with me will be forever garnered as the greatest thing ever. your continued visits to my pages, no matter how little they may be in either number or time spent

reading, is well loved and treasured. but i have something of grave importance to tell you that they, the bullies of the world would have me not tell you! they have emailed me in droves, threatening my very life! saying that i am not worthy of a show, of a blog, of a mind of my own, when their hate only serves to empower my vision, only serves to drive our ambitions, for i have said to them that i am not weak! i will not stand for their cowardice, their non chalance in the way they have terrorized me!

it shall not stand my firends, IT WILL NOT STAND! for tonight, i have recieved the greatest gift a human being can see. i have recieved tohe gift of clarity and wisdom! but i do not say these things to form a cult, no… i say them because i mean them in the very sense of how you love your children, or your friends orl oved ones for that matter! the bullies of the internet, thinking that they themselves are better then the rest of us… why? because they are in the loop? because they do adventures with their friends? indeed, if they percieve the physical elements and other such intricacies a valuable part of their cycle, then they are well entitled of the benifets from which they are able to get…. but not tonight my firends.

tonight, as i have searched the heavens for an answer to the almighty collective that we seem to be, a thought has occured to me, that all events are simply coincidence. in reality, andn ot to offend my religious readers, but it must be said. in reality, there is no luck, there is no otherworldly hand guiding us to our current states. we are here, each in our own places in life… because we have walked the path ourselves, dealt with the bullies that dare tell u

s we are not worthy of such adoration! bullies fear that which is better then them, they try to quash it under their thumbs in a sorry attempt to feel better about themselves! this is how gangs are started, how wars begin, how this so called society is driven.

humanity must cooperate with each other in peaceful ways in order to get ANYWHERE in life. to do hings in a violent fashion, although only temproary effective, will die out and peace will reclaim things. thus, if a friendship, a trust, a hope and promis are garnered with other people, through good deeds and amazing situations, then we ourselves will conquer the bullies through a more fliud motion, and end their tyranas behaviours! the violence will end! the theft will end! in hatred will die out only to be replaced by love and peace!

THE TIME FOR US TO ACT IS NOW! NOT LATER! NOT THE NEXT DAY! YOU MUST EACH STRIKE WHILE THE IRON IS HOT! STRIKE HARD! STRIKE SWIFTLY WITH OUT REMORSE! you must first give your tormentor a taste of his own medical treatment! if he says something about you to the other people in the work place, then say something to him on the forums and blogs! and when he feels the barbs of his own actions, then you must abandon that hateful path and make peace with him. but YOU MUST BE STERN! if he even slips once, you repeat the step! over and over again until you have a trust with him that is benificial to both of you!

think of the possibilities! there would be no more stolen work, you would not be forced to work saterdays or weekends because your tormentor says you must. if only for a few mere seconds, you shall find that peace reins supreme! use the triple pincer tactic!

1. give your tormentor a taste of his own medical treatment!
2. wiat till he is at your mercy and then make peace with him and build a friendship.
3. BE STERN WITH HIM! if he slips from friendship back to bullying, YOU MUST REPEAT THE PROCESS TILL HE IS NO LONGER A BULLY!

the most effective way to do this, is to write a short story about him in embarrassing situations, reverse his/her last name so they are not aware that it is them till it is too late, and then you must submit that story all over the place. if you are not able to do this, then find your niche, and apply it to the peace making process.

my dearest readers… WE MUST CRUSH THE THREAT THAT BULLIES PRESENT TO US. if they hit you, then beat them till they submit in a non violent way, you must belie

ve in your own abilities in order for you to overcome any and all threats. if you do not assert yourself, then bullies will run youre life into the ground, for all your remaining days.

i thank you for being patient with me. i am going through a difficult recovery perio

d. but i will never let whatever troubles my mind, become my master. mastery over your own emotions is crucial, vital, and becomes like second nature after long enough. i urge you, much like i did before, to spread the word, the brian q. is a bully, an egotistical over confident ass that promotes himself to be better then us because he is the center of the universe. take the image i have provided you with here and spread it acorss the internet, spreadi t like a furious wildfire! translate the text to youre native tounge and spread the word on this bully! he must pay for his abuses against what he calls inferiour people!

dearest readers, i urge you to live!

Posted via web from The mind of Morgan James Gavin

Well, first, you dont have any readers, at least no one who cares to get involved in your "mission" Morgan! And what was the picture link you wanted "everyone" to spread around? Why

it was this one right here.....

The same old Defamation of Character and Libel attack that started all this off in the first place! And at that time, I was not even giving you a thought! I had not posted anything new in almost two months at the time, I had better things to do, and still do actually, but, coming back and seeing you are still the same spiteful, simple minded, evil little wretch you were months ago, I think people still need to be warned about you. From Oct 13th till Dec. 12th, I had not bothered with you, but you sure did alot of whining and bitching and plain Stupidness in my absence!! All the other posts I found are also all documented Chuckles. So please, tell me another story about how you are the innocent victim. Your... "long after I've stopped writing" Remark just does not wash here, is 8 days a long time on the planet you come from?

Also, wasn't it just a few days ago you were telling us all about....

"I hired a few friends to help me with a new 'project' and I'll be waiting to hear from them about the 'target'." OOOOOOOHHH I can't wait to see what pcspeceric comes up with. That little troll is the laughing stock of both the R&R forums and the OKCupid forums, he actually makes you look, slightly, more intelligent. Personally I think the best thing for both of you is to have your mothership come and pick ya both up and take you back to your Homeworld before Earth finds out how easy it would be to conquer your planet of Retards. Let's see, Eric is 20 years old, and claims to be a Military Veteran, claims to work for a Texas Police dept. claims to be retired, Claims to know FBI agents on the internet.

Basically he makes alot of "Claims" but never backs them up. You sure know how to choose your friends there Chuckles!!! Damn, but I get a laugh out of your pathetic Stupidity.

Now, let's move on to Morgan's other interests, I find his Pictures disturbing, so let's take a look at what he posts up, and the "Image" he projects over the internet shall we....

First there are many pictures of the family animals....



There are many more, alot of pictures of his Mommy's horses, Dogs, Kitties. They can all be found here... http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewAlbums&friendID=62450065 Along with a few more I will share below before I get to my Question in point on this. Now of course, pictures of pets are a norm for most folks sharing their lives on the Internet, but as I share a few other pictures, a disturbing thought is going to manifest itself here, just watch! The next pictures are of stuffed animals, you know teddy bear type toys. Now for a young woman, even some older women, there is nothing wrong with keeping such a collection, but we are talking about a 26 year old, supposedly "straight" male here! I dont know about you, but I gave up stuffed animals a long time ago, like

at the age of 4!!!



This is just one of these, but there are others, including his infamous "Just My Size" Raggedy Andy doll he likes to sleep with. So let's move on to the final pictures, which really become very disturbing!

So? What is up with all of these bare chested, in the bathroom with just a towel on pictures about? This simply screams out "CREEPY" here! I mean, it cant be to pick up an adult sexual partner, because no woman or Gay man would find our good friend Chuckles attractive, he is 26 years old, yet looks like he is is on Geritol and 60! He's already balding, he has the body of a death camp survivor, and as this blog Has clearly PROVEN time and again, this living corpse is BRAIN DEAD! You can see it in the eyes!! So, what would the motivation be? Let's add all the other pictures shall we?

We have dogs and cats and horses and Chickens and other animals, many in caged off areas around his Mom's property, and he has posted many such pictures. Then we have alot of pictures of stuffed animals and lastly we have these shots. Is Morgan trying to tell us that he is the operator of Hesperia's own version of "The Neverland Ranch" here? Is he trying to entice young children, mainly boys to come over to his house to pet the animals, play with some stuffed toys and then go into the house to "Play" with him, maybe he just wants to be "petted" too eh? Perhaps in the shower? O_o

I'm just asking Questions here!

But the evidence screams that Chuckles here has some sexually repressed issues and I for one, would not allow my kids to be outside anywhere near where he lives! His pictures just scream Sexual Predator here.

Ya see Chuckles, unlike yourself, I am not asking anyone to carry a message here. I am also not fabricating anything, or spreading lies over the internet the way you do, I am just asking questions, it is up to the readers to decide.

I mean let's face it, Morgan Gavin as a super hero would only have one special power... Able to turn into an old Decrepit Pedophile before your very eyes!!!! O_o

Oh and By the way, I got an E-mail.

Sandy2231 writes....

"Dear Hauptmann

Thank you so very much for spreading the word about Morgan Gavin, I know that little freak from Victor Valley College and I have to tell you! You are so right on about this STUPID, immature little prick. He is the worst little troll you could ever have the displeasure of meeting!!

The truth is out there Hauptmann and you are telling it like it is! He actually use to just talk to himself in class like some Tourette's syndrome sufferer. The teacher of the class I had with him, had to ask him to leave on many occasions for disturbing class with his outbursts. And he always recorded every conversation he had with anyone. My boyfriend trashed his cell phone once for doing that to him! Needless to say, the punk has no friends! Keep rockin on and spreading the word about this piece of trash!!

Thanks again for this!


Thank you so much Sandy for the very kind E-mail, and yes, I will keep "Rockin on"

Monday, December 14, 2009

Yawn!! Christmas shopping. And a Present just for "STUPID"

Another day closer to Christmas. A bit more shopping done, and I even found a bit of time to make a present for Morgan......

Merry Christmas, Ya silly little immature creep! :p

LOL Took a look at his latest little blog posts.....

Weve got ourselves a power outage folks!

Well folks, i never thought id be happier to have a grid failure like this. But i am. And it also gives me some time to work on my text blog skills. It is a wonder that in all my attempts at getting hatptman to shut his trap, that it had never even dawned on me to ignore him. Im guessing the only reason hes back is because he feels i need his words of stupidity. I dont. So next chance i get ill nix the comments and stop paying attention to his stalkerblog. Wow. At any rate, the temptation to writ him a nice little rant is below me. I have projects that are in need of my attention. So do i really want to waste time arguing with some sockpuppet?

Pay attention to the Bold text part above!! Now read his blog from today....

Well, I'm back in the saddle again.

I was doing some thinking over the weekend about how to make the series that much more epic, and a few thoughts came to mind. The first being just add some element of drama to it... which is pretty easy to do in any case, the second would be to just add a few other elements to it... Maybe I could do something interesting... All there seems to be is a lot of fighting, fart jokes, and occasional stabs at an actual plot line... which I'm cool with that, its just that I have to go back and fix some things in the third chapter... and thats not really fun by any means. Well, just wanted to get a quick shot off... I'm thinking of going by the decimal point system again... that seems to work for drawn out plots. Plus if I do .1 .2. 3. .4 .5 .6. .7... and the like, it I might just be able to give it some more room to breathe... I like doing that... kinda draws everything out... Speaking of which, I need to compile everything thus far... jeez... I have so much shit that needs to be done... Its a wonder that I'm still writing this thing, lmao.

And now to edit... Yeah I know what your thinking, "Wheres the fun insanity that were used to!?" its in my bitching rants... so... maybe I'll add some more stuff to it... but right now, I've got to get busy on this thing. You know, maybe I'll just compile everything when I'm done writing it. Could be fun.

and just because I have just enough spare time.... hauptman111 is a sockpuppet. Its out there. enjoy it with a piece of cake.

LOLOL I did enjoy this! Why, because you can't even follow your own advice! Thought you were going to ignore me chuckles! Jesus!

Let's help STUPID out here, shall we....

"I have so much shit that needs to be done.." Take a bit of time and read what you wrote here!! It is SHIT, and if you yourself see it as such, why are you wasting time on it instead of doing something more productive, like.... I dont know??? Hmmm... Getting a Fricken JOB? Or at least shoveling all the animal shit in your yard! Or cleaning the litter boxes for your poor, sexually abused kitties!!

So, you call a toilet seat a "saddle" eh? LOL

And, it must be wonderful to live off of Mommy huh? Wasting time on what you call writing. You even admit your Epic FAIL has no plot!, And oh no, He killed off his ex-girl Cassi!! Here is an actual picture he took of his "writing"....

What the Hell! A 6 year old could write with better skill then this!! Did you actually write your College papers in THIS Fashion? Christ! Please, find a First Grade classroom and sit in on a few classes in how to PRINT PROPERLY! (And spell correctly too! Start with little words, like Cat, and Dog!!!)

Better Yet!! Just give up! Go and get that job at Walmart!! Let Mommy, and the rest of us have some peace! And stop making the High Desert look like it's populated by a bunch of inbred retards! On the other hand, after seeing a pic of your Mom, maybe Hesperia IS the home for Inbred retards, I can see where you get your ignorance and looks from! Too bad your Dad didnt wise up and leave sooner! Like maybe before wasting an ejaculation and contributing to produce YOU.

To Quote you.. "I was doing some thinking over the weekend about how to make the series that much more epic,...." Yeah, if you try harder, you might pull off making it more epic alright..... MORE EPIC FAIL!!!

In the end Morgan, you are PROOF to the World, that Parents should be held responsible for the Kids they bring into it! A truly Retarded person, has more intelligence and can be a more productive member of society then YOU!

To Morgan's Mom: PLEASE, do the world a favor and take away your twit son's computer, internet access, and his cell phone, I mean, the kid just shovels the horse shit for ya anyway right? He doesnt have a job, or go anywhere except around the house when not working making lame videos and Blog posts, showing the world how utterly retarded he is!!! No need for him to have a phone when you can just yell for him when needed anyway, Right? Also, ya might want to take away his picture and video privileges since he really makes himself, and your family look like a bunch of Brain Dead hicks!!

Want some proof? Here is just a small sample of the quotes your little boy gets for his videos on his Youtube accounts.....

kassidybodom (2 months ago)
are you minor retard

Akkly (2 weeks ago)
Your brain is slowly turnin to mush.

smurphelton101 (1 week ago)

the loser is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

emspixie (1 week ago)

What a pozer, your not Fred.. you make fun of people you really look sick.. put a shirt over your bones! Discusting.. and a stupid vid.

smurphelton101 (1 week ago)


kimhangaj (2 months ago)
go suck dick ass hole

luscotp (2 months ago)
your a ginger twat

qwertyx002002 (3 weeks ago)

Okay, who let the retard get his hands on the crack again. Seriously! Is that his face, or did his neck just take a shit. I don't know why he believes he is even worthy of breathing, let alone his own show. What a waste of air.

Those are just a few, and that last one is my Favorite!!!

LOLOL!! I think I've kicked ya enough for today!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's the STUPID show!!!

Great way to start off this train wreck that IS, Morgan Gavin. The little video above couldn't be more appropriate! After almost two months since we last visited the STUPID that is Morgan, we find him still wandering the Interwebs doing what he does best, Bitch Whine and moan about his pathetic little existence!

Here is his latest Internet comment, from Myspace......

December 12, 2009 - Saturday
im tired... my energy levels are low for the day, and the thing i want to bitch and gripe about the most, is the thing that doesnt make a dick of sense at all. i thought i could handle this and move on, but for reasons unknown, i have nagging feelings in the back of my mind, lack ive done something wrong, even though i havent. it will be interesting to see how the recovery process goes... in the mean time, ive got a book to write... now to find the motivation to write osmething interesting down.


Let's look at just a few of the issues you use the interwebs for Morgan, and maybe you might see that you have, indeed, done a few "Wrong" things here in the last two months.....

I Love this little comment from his numerous blogs.....

"Brian q is a cheating, ego driven, one upping bastard who sucks ass at halo 3 and gears of war. October 17, 2009"

Damn Chuckles! How the Fuck old are you? Your 26 or close to it! Video games should have stopped being the most Important part of your life by now!!! Sure, it's cool to still play them when you have the free time to do so, but at your age, securing and keeping a JOB should be the most imprtant thing in your life! Who gives a rat's ass how good you are at playing a video game? You should have an apartment or home of your own, a car, taking care of yourself, not living with Mommy! I'm sure Brian could care less if your wicked skilz at Halo3 can PWN him or not! He most probably has better and more important things to do!

Then there is this little gem....

"waiting for my fiance at the busstop. Im feelin great today. November 14, 2009"

A car... Wow dude, it's no wonder your girl left you! You couldn't even drive her home! You picked her up at, and then walked her to a BUS STOP when it was time for her to go home!! A fricken BUS! The Victorville Transportation system!! Jesus H. Christ! She could have spent an hour on the damn bus to get home, when, if you had a car, you could have gotten her home in like 15 minutes! I guess Mommy doesn't even trust you enough to loan you her vehicle!

There is nothing wrong with video games, but they should have a far lower importance in your life by now! Only a 15 year old would still be going around on the Internetz typing about how he PWNS everyone in online video games. Mommy should be slapped up the side of her head for coddling and spoiling you for so damn long! Oh yeah... you dont have a car, so she hasnt spoiled you too much I guess! At least with your mentailty you could apply for Government and State subsistence, they always throw hardworking American's, i.e. the Taxpayer's money at "Special" people like you!! Start looking for a helmet to protect that empty space between your ears and get ready to ride the little yellow bus!

And then, you still keep asking everyone on the web to "fight" your stupid interweb battles for you......

the raising of morale December 4, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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the rallying of the troops November 21, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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the massive plan. November 19, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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Like Gollum says to himself. "You DONT have any FRIENDS! Nobody likes you!" Besides, again, your a fricken adult here chuckles! If you simply tried acting like one, you might find your life a little more positive then it is!! I mean, let's face it Chuckles, your blogs prove you out to be a negative self centered person. Your "Good" days are far and few between. Almost every day, it's another rant, or another tirade about how the World is against you, or how the World owes you!

Like your comments about one of your websites mistreating you....

my bitching rant number 5 December 9, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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They may have once been a place for "Flame wars" as you say, but maybe they want to change that image! Whoever runs the place has the right to change the rules if they need changing! If you are breaking their rules, then expect them to censor you! Plain and simple!

You seem to think that if you have enough Twitter accounts, enough blogs up, that people will "care" about you or be your friend. I'll let ya in on a little truth here Chuckles, It is NOT the number of accounts that will get people to respond to your stories, you would get that, if they are interesting enough to draw people in, and I can tell ya, and you yourself should see by the lack of response to them, they SUCK!!! I'm saying this in a truthful and honest way for ya!

Getting people to respond to YOU it works the same way, you could use every internet site, twitter, blogs, forum boards, online chatrooms, the number makes no difference, if all you have to offer is negativity, people are NOT going to respond. If all you can do is cry about your woes, well, Everyone has their own problems, why waste time on yours?

This is NOT how you win people over to you....

"i have one question to ask of you all, and one question alone.

do you wish to take part in this? do you wish to help get revenge on someone who is long past due his humiliation, past the unending thirst for a vindication of proportions so big, so grand, so uniquely planet wide, that there will be no escape from it no matter where he turns? i want t shirts made, i want mugs and caps and polls, i want you all to go after this with a ravenous thirst, with a hunger for this one mans ego to be taken down, that you are filled with a lust and excitement for it. this is your finest hour, and long will it be remembered for the epicness of which you have helped spread it.

but this is not about revenge against one man alone. i highly encourage you to take steps against your own tormentors in ways that will not lead to your arrest, i encourage you to be smart, to be strategic in your plans whatever they may be. i am a man of simple compassion, simple rules, and a simple mind set that that screams out for the directive that we are all able to speak our minds regaurding anything we wish. it is in the actions that we take within the context of what we speak that makes all the difference. but more then that, you must make to where it is untracable to you personally, have fear, take steps of what you will. but be throrough in your tormentors humiliation. only through the undermining of ones confidence in his own abilities, can you truly have ownership of his loyalty.

that being said, this iwll be, the greatest “prank” ever. but before we can make it so, we must each in our ways, rally the troops, point them in the direction, and let loose the dogs of war upon those that would cause us harm. but also, be sure not include anyone who is not directlyat the heart of your own personal downfalls. the last thing we need is a lawsuit on our hands. they say that a picture is worth one thousand words, well, when i post the picture, i want those of you that are able to translate, to translate into your native language, telling them to spread this around as well. i want you, my dearest readers, my dearest visitors, to rally your social circles, and let them in on this. because its going to be epic, its going to give those that humiliated us a taste of their own medicine one trillion fold, and none of us will ever have to become the targets of others agressions because they think that we are not what they consider “their level”.

When this is all you can offer people, constantly trying to drag strangers into petty interweb fights that YOU, yourself started in the first place! And then asking them to spread lies and slander on other people they dont even know! Well, its no wonder that I am just about the only person who actually READS your sick ramblings!

You wondered where I was for the last two months? I was out ENJOYING Life! Not sitting in a little bedroom in front of a keyboard and your silly cell phone, and your video camera! And ya know? If you did the same, got outside a bit more, you too could be a happier person!

Hell at least your skin complexion would be healthier!!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Well after a vacation, and Real Life stuff, I step back in to find that Gollum survived the fall into Mount Doom O_o

Hey folks! Yep, ya heard that right! We all thought Gollum died in the cracks of Doom! But I have picture proof he survived the incident! (Of course, this is actually a recent picture of our buddy Morgan Gavin, AKA STUPID, a 25 year old, or is it 26 now?) This is what sitting in your room all day and living in front of your computer 24/7 will do to ya folks!

It's just the internet Morgan! It isn't real!

Morgan "Not listening! NOT Listening! It's my Prreecciioussssssssss! We want's it. We wants it, my Love."

Sorry, I dont swing that way, besides, I am too old for you! Don't you prefer 8 year old boys?

"Yes, YES! Give them to ussss, RAW and Wriggling." Morgan responds

What a creepy guy Morgan Gavin is!!! The picture above really says it all!

Wow, After almost Two months of being away from the Blog, (Yes I actually do have a life outside of the Internet! Unlike Morgan here.) I just wasted an hour or so, taking a look at our friend Morgan and his blogs! Christ what a waste, Here it is, December 12th, and Morgan actually had two months of worthless crap posted up, wasting Blog Bandwidth! Come on Morgan, your rants and other worthless crap are not what blogging or the internet is about! Either he was ranting about everything, from Brian Quinones (Still!!! Get over it Morgan!) to imaginary stalkers, to just anyone he feels the need to cry about! Jesus Morgan, it's the Holiday season for crying out loud, is there nothing in this world you can be happy about? Did your Mom burn the Turkey over Thanksgiving or something?? Damn dude!!

The good news, seems he got engaged, only to have the girl finally wise up to how worthless he is and break up with him a week later!!! We no longer have to worry that he will leave us with any offspring from his loins!!! Thank God eh?

Of course after leaving a few comments on his various tirades, he was starting his own version of the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 Rants of Christmas is how it read, but anyway, after a few choice comments the idiot wised up enough to take down just about his whole blog site, never fear, I documented it all.

But yes, even after almost two months, Morgan remains the Poster Child of STUPID, he is still posting up defamation of character lies and other crap on anyone he feels has wronged him, which pretty much is just about anyone unlucky enough to cross his path!

This sorry waste of sperm, still plays with himself and a video camera like a spoiled 4 year old, no wonder you lost your girlfriend!

Chuckles, ya really need to get out of the house, get a job, and quit spending your time on the Internetz there buddy! Do your mom a favor, I'm sure after over 25 years, she is tired of changing your diapers!

Toodles and Merry F'ing Christmas!! :)