Thursday, October 15, 2009

Just a video response!

Well, Morgan still has not really learned a thing yet! It's like talking to a brick wall, except, if you look at Buddha, at least he got Enlightenment from the Wall he sat in front of! Hmmm, does that mean that a Brick wall has more Intelligence then our friend Morgan???

Here is his latest post (that's right Chuckles, you still EPICALLY FAIL at giving an apology)....

i will not tolerate the ignorant

uswin wood, you have my deepest apologies for whatever harm has been done to your mind, soul, body, existence, heart, liver, lungs, eye, family. your brother has threatened to kill me if i dont remove the blogs, and i have reread some of hauptman111s comments. i thank you for directing my anger and vengeance upon a more worthy person. i will henceforth blast the fucking crap out of that fucking dipshit like no tommorow until he fucking removes that god damned picture.

he will pay. dearly.

on a side note, frederick wood must not EVER attempt to contact me again through any means what so ever, or i WILL sick the police on him for death threats. i have many blogs to go through, and much thinking to do as well. that fucking dick will fucking regret the day he pissed me off. brian, not fred.

This is all I have to say here this morning.....

Just do yourself a favor and give up on attacking anyone! I mean, Jesus, why do you even watch television? Nothing pleases you, Everything upsets you! At this point, at least you took down most of the crap you had up, maybe now is the time to talk to Brian and ask him, nicely to take down the picture he has up, informing him that you have already done the same. Who knows, he might do it this time. (Although, you still have your rant and picture up here..... which is a big reason why I am not done with you yet!)

I don't care about the Oscars myself, but I don't sit there and bitch about it. I just don't bother watching. And what's with the word Blowjob? We really don't need to know about your sexual fantasies of giving head to the entire male Academy committee!

Just Go and get a REAL job and start doing more with your life then sitting in your room, watching TV, playing with yourself, while you run your camera and watch youtube videos to rag on!

An Edit: Please don't try the excuse of, "I forgot the password for some of my sites and cant take anything down" Because all of these sites have a password recovery feature, using your e-mail address, and even those that might not, do have a help desk you can contact through e-mail.


  1. at any rate, i dont have any anger towards you anymore, i kept the record up for the simple fact that it will help remind me to only go after those who go after me... weird stupid logic but it works. i wont bother watching the vid, and i do hope you find enjoyment at any possible rate in my blogs.

    ive got a few things i need to do today, and i do hope you keep this blog up and running as it gives me something to read in the morning while deciding how to continue my works in progress... 310 pages and still climbing. lol. anyways, i heartily invite you to comment on anything you find interesting. as it would benefit us both in the long run to get to know each other. in what ways im not sure.

  2. LOL Really? I think I read something to the effect that I am a "Shemale" was it? And this was posted up long after you made this comment.

    From that post it sure looks like you harbour alot of anger and repressed issues about me!

    Thanks for the Laugh!!
