This was the post that was brought to my attention...
To ensure it is still readable I have copied and quote it as follows...
Friday, September 18, 2009
please pay carefull atention to this blog post.
Dear readers,
In light of recent accusations of pedophielia on the parts of Brian Quinones and Darryl Maples, I was incorrect in any and all assumptions of those facts. They are innocent, only victoms of a cruel and viraly intended prank. Please forgive me of misinforming to you, the people that have so willingly participated in this vicious and uncalled for prank turned personal vendetta against people who are innocent at my request.
I am still concerned about Uswin Wood and his teenaged Trekkie "spankings". So please continue spreading the word about Uswin Wood. I'll include the link to his profile.
Feel free to nail him with any insults you want!
Brian Quinones is engaged to be married, to a woman with a young child. this information was not clear to me at the time of posting. It was with great pains, that I discontinued such accusations against his person for not only his benefit, but my own as well. Darryl, not so much.
You have every right to be angry with me, and I urge you to send me any complaints or thoughts you may have on the matter at:
I urge you to forgive this agrivated prank against Brian Quinones. I still consider the threat of child abuse and rape very much real, very much a virus that corrupts the world around us, which must be stopped at any and all costs. As well as the threat of childmolesters, pedophiles, rapists, murders, and all other things that are wrong with the world today.
Thats why, as well as asking you to forgive Brian of this terrible misconception that I have given you of him, I also ask that you urgently spread the word on Uswin and Darryl. Because the threat of pedophilia is a very real and constant reminder of the wrongs of the world.
No child should have to suffer humiliation that lasts him or her a lifetime. No one has the right to take away the happiness of the next generation through degrading and disgusting sexual acts. If you agree then please forward this to as many friends as possible.
This is his latest post.
This post and a few others is what brought me to want to reply to this individual, and the best way to reply was to form an account so that is what I did.
The story, from his own rantings seems to center on his being a writer of stories, it would seem that at least my friend and one other also dabble at writing and they are all people over the age of 21. Now it seems that some little rivalry is going through this guy's mind that I at least know isnt even there with my friend, he was actually blindsided by this attack on his Character.
The thing here is that this idiot is posting accusations up with no backing, none of these people have been accused, or arrested or even gone to trial.
To those who are being attacked by this fool, get a lawyer! get the federal government involved. To everyone else, This kind of immaturity is NOT what blogging is about! What this Gavin kid did IS a FEDERAL CRIME. Be careful how you use the internet! Here is the definition on Defamation of Character.....
Defamation Definition
What is Defamation?
- False and untrue communication published with the specific intent of injuring another person’s reputation
- Injured person must be identifiable
- Libel—written form of defamation; Slander—oral form of defamation
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