Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Truth Hurts dont it?

In Morgan's latest blog he decides to focus on his writing, Let's take a look at it shall we. (A random thought! Are you actually capable of "focusing", I mean your blog sites are so stupidly random it's truly pathetic)

In "The Stogh: Year one We find out what a Sky Flarn is, but the story itself is the most dysfunctional, unreadable, UNINTERESTING story I have ever FORCED MYSELF to read. But I do these things just so that I can let all my viewers know not to waste your time! continues the mindless tale, Tell me Morgan, were you using Crack while you wrote this?

The tale goes on into three paths between his rather strange characters, Slim, Cero and Squigs. None of these characters has any personality that would endear them to readers, the sentences just flow one into another, and for it supposedly being an original world and such, why would a dying Sky Flarn start muttering about Restaurants and caviar?

Also Morgan, in all your time on a computer, why haven't you learned to use a simple spell checker yet before posting? Also, you know nothing about writing, you break so many rules, an example would be this right here....
"...he wasnt used to the muscles and wires that helped his facial muscles move,....."
You use "Muscles" twice within several words. A better way to write this would have been, "he wasn't use to the muscles and wires that made his facial FEATURES move....."

Also, this whole part here makes NO SENSE at all.....

since the twenty three souls that she took with her werent awake yet, she couldnt do anything about them, so she had tied them all together with a piece of thick rope and tied the end of it to her waist and easily flew upwards. she noticed that the souls werent even the slightest bit heavy since at the moment they were just balls of light that had the slightest bit of substance on them."

If they are just balls of light, how the fuck did she tie them together with a rope? Dependent upon size, which you do not state at all here, you have to see this is impossible. Try tying some tennis balls together, or marbles with rope ya retard. Also, souls tend to not have ANY weight at all, they are incorporeal, ya know? Like Spirits. Also, if they can fly, then why do they even need to have "primitive tools" to get down from the mountain? This story could have been done in two paragraphs!

Sorry Chuckles but your writing is Epic FAIL, and your other original stories pretty much fall into the same degree of being totally uninteresting. Your characters have no depth, nothing that a reader can even relate to, Your creature ideas leave the reader going "Huh? What?" No Publisher would waste more then 5 minutes reading your first chapter before taking a match to it, or placing it in a shredder and going onto other works by actual writers. (And 5 minutes is being generous here :P )

The Movie "Yellow Submarine" made more sense, but then again, it was a visual piece, and as a book was a picture book.

So in the end, on this particular episode, and my review of this particular story written by our friend Morgan, I would advise anyone who tries to delve into this story, Find a drug dealer before reading, you may find some enjoyment out of the prose with some heroin, crack, or LSD running through your veins! Otherwise you will come away simply asking yourself why you wasted 20 minutes of your life reading what has to be the most boring piece of dribble ever thought of!

I will end today's entry with the new Morgan Gavin Theme song!

Retard Brain! Created by Josh "The Ponceman" Perry, a very cool guy who has Downs Syndrome and yet has far more intelligence then Morgan and is actually taking his disability and overcoming it through real comedy. I have alot of respect for this guy! Unlike Morgan, who is just a LAZY and STUPID individual.

To Quote Ponce..... BBYYYEEEEEE!!!


  1. i lol at your attempts to understand my style of writing. my stories are about randomness, nothing is supposed to make sense and your just supposed to go with the flow. so, yeah, sya what you will, but im a fucking genius regaurdless of what you say. toodles bitch.

  2. Ya know Chuckles, Hitler said the same thing!

    I didn't really try to understand your "style" of writing, there was nothing there to understand. Any story or writing, has to make some sort of sense, otherwise it is just meaningless strings of words, which pretty much describes your "style!" Any "World" you create for a tale has to have some rules, in order for it to "work!" Now, if "go with the flow" means taking some serious drugs and then attempting to read your story, then I am sure someone might get something out of your "style" of writing. But ya need to put a warning label up there so folks know that!

    There is randomness, and then there is just shit, your writing falls under the later of the two.

    Also Chuckles, a Genius would know how to use a spell checker, hell, a genius would not have to, they would know how to spell simple words like "regardless"

    Good luck getting published, there are publishing houses you can PAY to get your prose (You do know what the word prose means dont ya?) into print. But then, your Mom's garage is already cluttered and full as it is, please do her the favor of not filling it with more useless crap, like a bunch of paperbacks collecting dust!

    Glad you are enjoying the blog, and thanks for subscribing, it's all about YOU!
