Monday, December 14, 2009

Yawn!! Christmas shopping. And a Present just for "STUPID"

Another day closer to Christmas. A bit more shopping done, and I even found a bit of time to make a present for Morgan......

Merry Christmas, Ya silly little immature creep! :p

LOL Took a look at his latest little blog posts.....

Weve got ourselves a power outage folks!

Well folks, i never thought id be happier to have a grid failure like this. But i am. And it also gives me some time to work on my text blog skills. It is a wonder that in all my attempts at getting hatptman to shut his trap, that it had never even dawned on me to ignore him. Im guessing the only reason hes back is because he feels i need his words of stupidity. I dont. So next chance i get ill nix the comments and stop paying attention to his stalkerblog. Wow. At any rate, the temptation to writ him a nice little rant is below me. I have projects that are in need of my attention. So do i really want to waste time arguing with some sockpuppet?

Pay attention to the Bold text part above!! Now read his blog from today....

Well, I'm back in the saddle again.

I was doing some thinking over the weekend about how to make the series that much more epic, and a few thoughts came to mind. The first being just add some element of drama to it... which is pretty easy to do in any case, the second would be to just add a few other elements to it... Maybe I could do something interesting... All there seems to be is a lot of fighting, fart jokes, and occasional stabs at an actual plot line... which I'm cool with that, its just that I have to go back and fix some things in the third chapter... and thats not really fun by any means. Well, just wanted to get a quick shot off... I'm thinking of going by the decimal point system again... that seems to work for drawn out plots. Plus if I do .1 .2. 3. .4 .5 .6. .7... and the like, it I might just be able to give it some more room to breathe... I like doing that... kinda draws everything out... Speaking of which, I need to compile everything thus far... jeez... I have so much shit that needs to be done... Its a wonder that I'm still writing this thing, lmao.

And now to edit... Yeah I know what your thinking, "Wheres the fun insanity that were used to!?" its in my bitching rants... so... maybe I'll add some more stuff to it... but right now, I've got to get busy on this thing. You know, maybe I'll just compile everything when I'm done writing it. Could be fun.

and just because I have just enough spare time.... hauptman111 is a sockpuppet. Its out there. enjoy it with a piece of cake.

LOLOL I did enjoy this! Why, because you can't even follow your own advice! Thought you were going to ignore me chuckles! Jesus!

Let's help STUPID out here, shall we....

"I have so much shit that needs to be done.." Take a bit of time and read what you wrote here!! It is SHIT, and if you yourself see it as such, why are you wasting time on it instead of doing something more productive, like.... I dont know??? Hmmm... Getting a Fricken JOB? Or at least shoveling all the animal shit in your yard! Or cleaning the litter boxes for your poor, sexually abused kitties!!

So, you call a toilet seat a "saddle" eh? LOL

And, it must be wonderful to live off of Mommy huh? Wasting time on what you call writing. You even admit your Epic FAIL has no plot!, And oh no, He killed off his ex-girl Cassi!! Here is an actual picture he took of his "writing"....

What the Hell! A 6 year old could write with better skill then this!! Did you actually write your College papers in THIS Fashion? Christ! Please, find a First Grade classroom and sit in on a few classes in how to PRINT PROPERLY! (And spell correctly too! Start with little words, like Cat, and Dog!!!)

Better Yet!! Just give up! Go and get that job at Walmart!! Let Mommy, and the rest of us have some peace! And stop making the High Desert look like it's populated by a bunch of inbred retards! On the other hand, after seeing a pic of your Mom, maybe Hesperia IS the home for Inbred retards, I can see where you get your ignorance and looks from! Too bad your Dad didnt wise up and leave sooner! Like maybe before wasting an ejaculation and contributing to produce YOU.

To Quote you.. "I was doing some thinking over the weekend about how to make the series that much more epic,...." Yeah, if you try harder, you might pull off making it more epic alright..... MORE EPIC FAIL!!!

In the end Morgan, you are PROOF to the World, that Parents should be held responsible for the Kids they bring into it! A truly Retarded person, has more intelligence and can be a more productive member of society then YOU!

To Morgan's Mom: PLEASE, do the world a favor and take away your twit son's computer, internet access, and his cell phone, I mean, the kid just shovels the horse shit for ya anyway right? He doesnt have a job, or go anywhere except around the house when not working making lame videos and Blog posts, showing the world how utterly retarded he is!!! No need for him to have a phone when you can just yell for him when needed anyway, Right? Also, ya might want to take away his picture and video privileges since he really makes himself, and your family look like a bunch of Brain Dead hicks!!

Want some proof? Here is just a small sample of the quotes your little boy gets for his videos on his Youtube accounts.....

kassidybodom (2 months ago)
are you minor retard

Akkly (2 weeks ago)
Your brain is slowly turnin to mush.

smurphelton101 (1 week ago)

the loser is back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

emspixie (1 week ago)

What a pozer, your not Fred.. you make fun of people you really look sick.. put a shirt over your bones! Discusting.. and a stupid vid.

smurphelton101 (1 week ago)


kimhangaj (2 months ago)
go suck dick ass hole

luscotp (2 months ago)
your a ginger twat

qwertyx002002 (3 weeks ago)

Okay, who let the retard get his hands on the crack again. Seriously! Is that his face, or did his neck just take a shit. I don't know why he believes he is even worthy of breathing, let alone his own show. What a waste of air.

Those are just a few, and that last one is my Favorite!!!

LOLOL!! I think I've kicked ya enough for today!

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