Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's the STUPID show!!!

Great way to start off this train wreck that IS, Morgan Gavin. The little video above couldn't be more appropriate! After almost two months since we last visited the STUPID that is Morgan, we find him still wandering the Interwebs doing what he does best, Bitch Whine and moan about his pathetic little existence!

Here is his latest Internet comment, from Myspace......

December 12, 2009 - Saturday
im tired... my energy levels are low for the day, and the thing i want to bitch and gripe about the most, is the thing that doesnt make a dick of sense at all. i thought i could handle this and move on, but for reasons unknown, i have nagging feelings in the back of my mind, lack ive done something wrong, even though i havent. it will be interesting to see how the recovery process goes... in the mean time, ive got a book to write... now to find the motivation to write osmething interesting down.


Let's look at just a few of the issues you use the interwebs for Morgan, and maybe you might see that you have, indeed, done a few "Wrong" things here in the last two months.....

I Love this little comment from his numerous blogs.....

"Brian q is a cheating, ego driven, one upping bastard who sucks ass at halo 3 and gears of war. October 17, 2009"

Damn Chuckles! How the Fuck old are you? Your 26 or close to it! Video games should have stopped being the most Important part of your life by now!!! Sure, it's cool to still play them when you have the free time to do so, but at your age, securing and keeping a JOB should be the most imprtant thing in your life! Who gives a rat's ass how good you are at playing a video game? You should have an apartment or home of your own, a car, taking care of yourself, not living with Mommy! I'm sure Brian could care less if your wicked skilz at Halo3 can PWN him or not! He most probably has better and more important things to do!

Then there is this little gem....

"waiting for my fiance at the busstop. Im feelin great today. November 14, 2009"

A car... Wow dude, it's no wonder your girl left you! You couldn't even drive her home! You picked her up at, and then walked her to a BUS STOP when it was time for her to go home!! A fricken BUS! The Victorville Transportation system!! Jesus H. Christ! She could have spent an hour on the damn bus to get home, when, if you had a car, you could have gotten her home in like 15 minutes! I guess Mommy doesn't even trust you enough to loan you her vehicle!

There is nothing wrong with video games, but they should have a far lower importance in your life by now! Only a 15 year old would still be going around on the Internetz typing about how he PWNS everyone in online video games. Mommy should be slapped up the side of her head for coddling and spoiling you for so damn long! Oh yeah... you dont have a car, so she hasnt spoiled you too much I guess! At least with your mentailty you could apply for Government and State subsistence, they always throw hardworking American's, i.e. the Taxpayer's money at "Special" people like you!! Start looking for a helmet to protect that empty space between your ears and get ready to ride the little yellow bus!

And then, you still keep asking everyone on the web to "fight" your stupid interweb battles for you......

the raising of morale December 4, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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the rallying of the troops November 21, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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the massive plan. November 19, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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Like Gollum says to himself. "You DONT have any FRIENDS! Nobody likes you!" Besides, again, your a fricken adult here chuckles! If you simply tried acting like one, you might find your life a little more positive then it is!! I mean, let's face it Chuckles, your blogs prove you out to be a negative self centered person. Your "Good" days are far and few between. Almost every day, it's another rant, or another tirade about how the World is against you, or how the World owes you!

Like your comments about one of your websites mistreating you....

my bitching rant number 5 December 9, 2009

Posted by demeonte in Uncategorized.
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They may have once been a place for "Flame wars" as you say, but maybe they want to change that image! Whoever runs the place has the right to change the rules if they need changing! If you are breaking their rules, then expect them to censor you! Plain and simple!

You seem to think that if you have enough Twitter accounts, enough blogs up, that people will "care" about you or be your friend. I'll let ya in on a little truth here Chuckles, It is NOT the number of accounts that will get people to respond to your stories, you would get that, if they are interesting enough to draw people in, and I can tell ya, and you yourself should see by the lack of response to them, they SUCK!!! I'm saying this in a truthful and honest way for ya!

Getting people to respond to YOU it works the same way, you could use every internet site, twitter, blogs, forum boards, online chatrooms, the number makes no difference, if all you have to offer is negativity, people are NOT going to respond. If all you can do is cry about your woes, well, Everyone has their own problems, why waste time on yours?

This is NOT how you win people over to you....

"i have one question to ask of you all, and one question alone.

do you wish to take part in this? do you wish to help get revenge on someone who is long past due his humiliation, past the unending thirst for a vindication of proportions so big, so grand, so uniquely planet wide, that there will be no escape from it no matter where he turns? i want t shirts made, i want mugs and caps and polls, i want you all to go after this with a ravenous thirst, with a hunger for this one mans ego to be taken down, that you are filled with a lust and excitement for it. this is your finest hour, and long will it be remembered for the epicness of which you have helped spread it.

but this is not about revenge against one man alone. i highly encourage you to take steps against your own tormentors in ways that will not lead to your arrest, i encourage you to be smart, to be strategic in your plans whatever they may be. i am a man of simple compassion, simple rules, and a simple mind set that that screams out for the directive that we are all able to speak our minds regaurding anything we wish. it is in the actions that we take within the context of what we speak that makes all the difference. but more then that, you must make to where it is untracable to you personally, have fear, take steps of what you will. but be throrough in your tormentors humiliation. only through the undermining of ones confidence in his own abilities, can you truly have ownership of his loyalty.

that being said, this iwll be, the greatest “prank” ever. but before we can make it so, we must each in our ways, rally the troops, point them in the direction, and let loose the dogs of war upon those that would cause us harm. but also, be sure not include anyone who is not directlyat the heart of your own personal downfalls. the last thing we need is a lawsuit on our hands. they say that a picture is worth one thousand words, well, when i post the picture, i want those of you that are able to translate, to translate into your native language, telling them to spread this around as well. i want you, my dearest readers, my dearest visitors, to rally your social circles, and let them in on this. because its going to be epic, its going to give those that humiliated us a taste of their own medicine one trillion fold, and none of us will ever have to become the targets of others agressions because they think that we are not what they consider “their level”.

When this is all you can offer people, constantly trying to drag strangers into petty interweb fights that YOU, yourself started in the first place! And then asking them to spread lies and slander on other people they dont even know! Well, its no wonder that I am just about the only person who actually READS your sick ramblings!

You wondered where I was for the last two months? I was out ENJOYING Life! Not sitting in a little bedroom in front of a keyboard and your silly cell phone, and your video camera! And ya know? If you did the same, got outside a bit more, you too could be a happier person!

Hell at least your skin complexion would be healthier!!

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