Hey folks! Yep, ya heard that right! We all thought Gollum died in the cracks of Doom! But I have picture proof he survived the incident! (Of course, this is actually a recent picture of our buddy Morgan Gavin, AKA STUPID, a 25 year old, or is it 26 now?) This is what sitting in your room all day and living in front of your computer 24/7 will do to ya folks!
It's just the internet Morgan! It isn't real!
Morgan "Not listening! NOT Listening! It's my Prreecciioussssssssss! We want's it. We wants it, my Love."
Sorry, I dont swing that way, besides, I am too old for you! Don't you prefer 8 year old boys?
"Yes, YES! Give them to ussss, RAW and Wriggling." Morgan responds
What a creepy guy Morgan Gavin is!!! The picture above really says it all!
Wow, After almost Two months of being away from the Blog, (Yes I actually do have a life outside of the Internet! Unlike Morgan here.) I just wasted an hour or so, taking a look at our friend Morgan and his blogs! Christ what a waste, Here it is, December 12th, and Morgan actually had two months of worthless crap posted up, wasting Blog Bandwidth! Come on Morgan, your rants and other worthless crap are not what blogging or the internet is about! Either he was ranting about everything, from Brian Quinones (Still!!! Get over it Morgan!) to imaginary stalkers, to just anyone he feels the need to cry about! Jesus Morgan, it's the Holiday season for crying out loud, is there nothing in this world you can be happy about? Did your Mom burn the Turkey over Thanksgiving or something?? Damn dude!!
The good news, seems he got engaged, only to have the girl finally wise up to how worthless he is and break up with him a week later!!! We no longer have to worry that he will leave us with any offspring from his loins!!! Thank God eh?
Of course after leaving a few comments on his various tirades, he was starting his own version of the 12 days of Christmas, the 12 Rants of Christmas is how it read, but anyway, after a few choice comments the idiot wised up enough to take down just about his whole blog site, never fear, I documented it all.
But yes, even after almost two months, Morgan remains the Poster Child of STUPID, he is still posting up defamation of character lies and other crap on anyone he feels has wronged him, which pretty much is just about anyone unlucky enough to cross his path!
This sorry waste of sperm, still plays with himself and a video camera like a spoiled 4 year old, no wonder you lost your girlfriend!
Chuckles, ya really need to get out of the house, get a job, and quit spending your time on the Internetz there buddy! Do your mom a favor, I'm sure after over 25 years, she is tired of changing your diapers!
Toodles and Merry F'ing Christmas!! :)
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