(Note that his words will be in Yellow, my comments in white)
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
uswin wood, i, morgan james gavin, do declare thati have been acting both uncouth, and not very smart in regaurds to you. i here by apologize for all theoretically impossible accusations that i have made against your person. i have a little respect for you, anf for that im giving you this apology, not because i wanted to, but because web stalkers all over the world are giving me shit about it. this is precisely as sincere as i can get with you since the stupid rabbit man, george grant/hauptman111/whoever the hell else, has decided to chronicle my blogs in an attemtp to better understand my mind... which by all accounts is a little hard to do, even by my standards.
Web stalkers all over the world huh? LOL! At least ya got a following Chuckles! I'll make ya famous! But right here, you fall on your damn face, no sincerity here. "im giving you this apology, not because i wanted to..." And of course it is hard to understand you! It's hard to understand any STUPID person, in how they express themselves or what makes them act well... so STUPID in the first place!
so to end this debacle of a situation, im apologizing, plain and simple. get ready because here it comes, and you dont want to blink.
im sorry.
there. see, that wasnt as hard i thought it was going to be. i would apologize in person, but the only possible place could meet you, i have been banned from by robert... who i do not apologize to. ever again. but thats besides the point, uswin wood, im focusing on you here. because of what i have seen and remembered of you, you are both humble and, dare i say it for fear of armegeddon, kind. no, let me take that back, because i have to just get this out of my system while at the same time, trying not to get vulgar. you are kind and humble, when not making fun of people, recounting tales of your own stupidity, or just plain making an ass out of yourself. your intelligent as well, it takes a real man to go out into the wilderness and get to shooting other men with pain pellets. so in that regaurd you are humble and kind.
Can you not do anything WITHOUT trying to put another person down? I mean, I realize, just by looking at you and by the way you come across, I am sure you were beat up and picked on regularly as a kid. But Like I told you in an earlier blog, You cant blame the World for who you are or for what happened to you as a child, You have some serious issues dude! I know Uswin well enough that I highly doubt he ever picked on you! So why try to put him down while apologizing to him? And please, use a spell checker or something! The Word is REGARD, not "REGAURD" or in your self proclaimed image of being a genius, are you creating your own words now? DNA was a waste on you! Hell your Dad was cheated, he should get his money back!
but i digress from the simple fact that this apology, because it is just that, an apology to satisfy those that think they are above my in some way or another, when we are all on equal ground, despite interior thinking. i apologize for calling you out as a trekkie spanker. which is all i did in realty. i apologize that you let your fear of what others would think of you get in the way of yo urealizing that this is the exact same prank that brian and darryl pulledo n me, because they thought it would be funny. now you understand the anger and substantial fear that i went through myself. i also apologize that despite what you may or may not think of me, that you all fell into place just as i predicted, and reacted just the way i planned for you to react.
"this is the exact same prank that brian and darryl pulledo n me, because they thought it would be funny. now you understand the anger and substantial fear that i went through myself." Then why did you pull Uswin into this in the first place, if your issues were with Brian and Darryl? And if you "planned" all of this, then you shouldnt be upset that you are being brought to task on your BS. Being the poster boy of STUPID seems to be just what you want!
i apologize that the one whose greatest weakness is his greatest strength did not even think of the possibility that maybe there was more to this thought originally thought. because there was, it was all a social experiment, a carefully planned out one that all who were supposed to do their parts, did them perfectly well and without knowing. there was no harm intended, and trust me, it took a lot of restrain to blurt it out in front of your faces like i wanted to. i apologize that your feeling were hurt, i apologize that you had to whine at me through other people instead of confronting me like a real man about the whole thing. i apologize that i found out the sort of person you are, rather then dealing with the situation your self, you have other people do the work for you with out ever having to get your hands dirty.
I call BS here buddy, " there was no harm intended" you put your crap up on 24+ websites, so there was malicious intent and defamation of character here. And also, Uswin didnt ask anyone to do anything, I decided to act on my own, so deal with that Sherlock.
lifes a bitch, people do stupid things, for even stupider reasons, and like a single pebble in a pond, everything rippled, raged, and ranted about what a horrible person i am with out considering that maybe it was all one big plan. i apologize uswin, to the smartest man who ocldve figured it all out, i apologize deeply and with a great sense of pride that i pulled the greatest experiment ever and the data i gathered was absolutley critical to what im about to do next.
Yep, people do do stupid things, but you really have done some of the dumbest things I have ever witnessed. And you just dig your hole deeper and deeper.
i apologize to the people who thought that you were a pedophile, who now have seeds of doubt about both your character and mine, who are both furious and laughing. i apologize because i want to apologize, and not because others want me to. ill let you in on something that im particularly good at doing. i know how to bait something just right, to hook you on a single though and have it drag your around till you get ready to do something about it. im prefectly capable of creating drama when there should be none.
the reason you need me to apologize to to feel good about yourself. congratualtions, uswin, you got what all the sock puppets wanted.
im sorry. im so desperately sorry. im incredibly sorry that it tickles me red in the face that people whom you have direct influence over have done the same thing to me as i have to them, and they think its alright to blame me for their misfortune. i hate the fact that everything worked out to plan, something i started, i finished. amazing aint it doc?
so to you, and you alone, i apologize for all the ways your feelings have been hurt. but, i dont apologize for one thing alone. that you were unable to leave this alone, that you were unable to tell brian to take down the picture of me, that you alone couldve realized that it was a direct mirror of what they did to me. and now you understand the dangers of pranking me.
I'm still here Chuckles, and I dont see any danger! And again, you fail to grasp that Uswin is not involved in this, it's just me you have to deal with!
ill apologize for one more thing, because im in a giving mood. i apologize... well, i apologize because as long as brian keeps that pic of me up there on his profile, i will not remove the posts. those are my terms and ocnditions for removal of the oh so horrible thing i mustve done to you for other to get involved.
and that IS my apology, and its out their for all to see.
i apologize dearest uswin, because now i have the greatest idea for a story based upon the data i have gathered. and this is sincere, whether you or rabbit man want to beleive it or not.
signed, written, and dictated by morgan james gavin this fourteenth of october, in the year of 2009.
Well folks, now you can see the twisted mind of one SICK PUPPY! Lock your doors, say your prayers, and especially HIDE YOUR CHILDREN! For tonight he might be walking abroad, on your street, maybe in your neighborhood! He may just be wearing a trench coat and may only flash you, or it could be worse....... Who knows, but Morgan is most definitely not playing with a full deck.No wonder you were picked on as a child!
youre right, i was picked on, i was bullied, i was jumped, beat down, and fucking humiliated. i hate bullies with a fucking passion. brians going to fucking pay in the literary sense. from now on, hes my target.
ReplyDelete*Shrugs* That's your nickel there Chuckles. You however are no Chaucer and your stories make no sense anyway so I doubt he would even be able to tell you were dissing him.
ReplyDeleteBut I gotta say, that in your case, I personally feel you have deserved everything that has happened to you in your life. Why? Because through your writing, and your videos anyone can see that you are a self-destructive person. You need serious help Morgan, serious help. You know you can check yourself into a mental facility, you dont have to wait for others to do it.
I thought you had decided to move on and do more "important" things, like blogging about your "art" *lack of* cough cough. Or telling the world that you woke up hungry! (What did you have? Count Chocula, or Cocopuffs for breakfast?)I so want to know if you have watched episode 5 yet! What program was that? Was it a NAMBLA series on how to pick up young boys? You are such a sick puppy!
Guess you just love all the witty banter I post up! Thanks for watching!