Thursday, October 8, 2009
folks, let me tell you something. im over whatever happened. its in the past, i like to look to the future and forget about what went down. that being said, i had a great day today. and the post bout the crazy crack head was about robert. so get your facts straight before makin stupid comments. while i could rant a little about all the woes and naysayers, im not going to. its obvious to me now that ill have to say who it is im insulting to avoid any confusion. the wood brothers are cool in my book. im wiped out. speaking of which, i should be done with ch6 by mid november.Now Morgan Gavin seems to think that the above constitutes an apology, so let's look at the definition, from Merriam-Websters shall we....
Main Entry: apol·o·gy Pronunciation: \ə-ˈpä-lə-jē\Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural apol·o·giesEtymology: Middle French or Late Latin; Middle French apologie, from Late Latin apologia, from Greek, from apo- + logos speech — more at legendDate: 1533
1 a : a formal justification : defense b : excuse 2a
2 : an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret
3 : a poor substitute : makeshiftsynonyms apology, apologia, excuse, plea, pretext, alibi mean matter offered in explanation or defense. apology usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with or without reference to mitigating or extenuating circumstances apology: that he would have met them if he could. apologia implies not admission of guilt or regret but a desire to make clear the grounds for some course, belief, or position apologia for his foreign policy. excuse implies an intent to avoid or remove blame or censure excuse for missing the meeting>. plea stresses argument or appeal for understanding or sympathy or mercy plea that she was nearsighted>. pretext suggests subterfuge and the offering of false reasons or motives in excuse or explanation pretext to get out of work>. alibi implies a desire to shift blame or evade punishment and imputes mere plausibility to the explanation alibi failed to stand scrutiny.
Now, based on the above, and looking at Morgan's post, anyone with an ounce of grey matter can see, there's no apology in Gavin's little statement, no regret for having tried to ruin a person's reputation through the internet.
1 a : a formal justification : defense b : excuse 2a
2 : an admission of error or discourtesy accompanied by an expression of regret
3 : a poor substitute : makeshiftsynonyms apology, apologia, excuse, plea, pretext, alibi mean matter offered in explanation or defense. apology usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with or without reference to mitigating or extenuating circumstances apology: that he would have met them if he could. apologia implies not admission of guilt or regret but a desire to make clear the grounds for some course, belief, or position apologia for his foreign policy. excuse implies an intent to avoid or remove blame or censure excuse for missing the meeting>. plea stresses argument or appeal for understanding or sympathy or mercy plea that she was nearsighted>. pretext suggests subterfuge and the offering of false reasons or motives in excuse or explanation pretext to get out of work>. alibi implies a desire to shift blame or evade punishment and imputes mere plausibility to the explanation alibi failed to stand scrutiny.
Now, based on the above, and looking at Morgan's post, anyone with an ounce of grey matter can see, there's no apology in Gavin's little statement, no regret for having tried to ruin a person's reputation through the internet.
Now, as I have delved into the situation, it would seem, that a guy named Brian Quinones, actually started this little pissy fight that went way too far, making a silly little poster of Morgan, now Morgan could have acted as an adult and in a smart way and simply done what my friend ended up doing, seeking legal and Police advice, but instead he went STUPID and lowered himself to Brian's level, However, he went further and began to target people not even involved in the argument. Now as the hole he has been digging has finally gotten way too deep, our friend Gavin decides to make amends, but not as an Adult would in simply admitting he went too far, and offering a sincere apology, instead he has to do it as a 5 year old might with his idea of saying, "I am sorry" being "The Wood brothers are cool in my book" WTF "The Wood brothers are cool in my book?" This clinches things for you when you tried to ruin Uswin's reputation? Accused him of a crime that I honestly, by looking at you, think you are far more likely to commit!
(Notice here 'Chuckles' that I said "Think" you are more likely to commit, youre young yet, who knows what the fuck you might do in the next few years)
Let's turn the tables here, If anyone had accused you of being a Pedophile and put it up on 24+ blogs and websites over the internet, just out of pettyness, would "Hey, Gavin is cool in my book" be concidered an apology by you? I mean, let's face it, Brian did at least put this up against you and it is actually still up on his site, yet you backed down from him, and then chose to go after Uswin, who was not even involved.
Personally Morgan, I only know you through your youtube sites and your blogs, but let me tell you, from what I have read and seen on these sites, I wouldn't want to know you, I wouldn't want you as a friend, hell I would most probably cross the street just to avoid you, if I saw you walking toward me. You really need to take a good hard look at yourself, You have to be the most negatively energized person I have ever come across. Look at the comments you get on your youtube channel, you should really be taking those to heart dude. And I am actually trying sincerely to help you here by saying this. Again, you need to really take a very hard and realistic look at just who you are and how you come across to people. Your attitude is not one that would draw people to you, it actually pushes people away! Think about that, and look at yourself HONESTLY!
I realize that in your own mind you think you are a fantastic person, but that isnt how others see you, It most definately is not how I see you, and let me tell you honestly here, taking away what you have done to Uswin, most of your postings are just way too negative, Ive met EMO's more positive and easier to be around then you. From what I have seen and read, you seem to thrive on negative comments, because let's face it, I havent read a single positive comment from anyone who visits your sites. And that is NOT a HEALTHY way to go through life!
Hope you can see why I still concider you the poster boy of STUPID here Gavin! My advice to you....
Grow some balls
Be a MAN
Fess up to your BS
Delete your shit from your pages and....
Type out a REAL APOLOGY!
You might just get off of the Stupid list if you do!
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