Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Digging deeper into the Stupid that is Morgan

Well gang, since I am bored as hell, I decided to look deeper into the Mind, or rather the empty space that resides between the ears of our friend Morgan. Clearly this pathetic excuse of an existence has NO LIFE! He lives on the internet, yet has no friends, since every account, other then his youtubes has no comments! he has...

1 Posterous account (From where all of his others can be found!)

3 twitter accounts! (Wouldn't one be more then enough?)

2 Facebook accounts! (One under his real name, another under a false name)

1 Friendfeed account. (He didnt go overboard here at least! Hey Morgan, maybe a second friendfeed would help get you friends!! Try it! You have nothing better to do)

1 Flickr account.

2 Youtube accounts. ( These are the only accounts where he gets any comments, and they are not friendly ones. In fact most of his 73 vids are under a minute long and are a complete waste of time to watch, they do nothing for art, comedy, not one intelligent remark. I get more entertainment watching Boxxy on youtube then this balding sorry excuse of life.)

An example... (He really should take his own advice here! Dont you think? This one actually has him talking somewhat coherently.)

3 Tumblr accounts!

3 Blogger accounts!

1 Live Journal account!

5 (YES FIVE) Xanga accounts

And finally.....
2 Wordpress accounts.

On all of these sites he has put up the same speil of mindless garbage and hate induced lies and allegations. While it seems, In MY Opinion, that Morgan is making a desperate attempt to find friends, he has clearly gone about it the wrong way and simply made enemies. Your 25 years old Morgan, do yourself a favour and grow up and get a job. It takes a very self destructive person to get BANNED from a college campus!! Wake the hell up and get some therapy! You clearly need some mental help. I cant help but say I feel heart sorry for Morgan's parents.

Can we all say this together for Morgan???..... "YOU HAVE NO LIFE!"

The best thing you could do, is to throw your computer away, in fact, stay away from computers completely, they are truely your Kryptonite there buddy! NOT GOOD for you at all! Keep away from all keyboards and just get outside and try living a real life. Also, stop wearing baseball caps, Take a bath now and then, change your underwear, and exercise. Because for a 25 year old, I doubt you will see 35. Your already balding (Wearing a baseball cap 24/7 and not washing your hair can do that!) You look like your 45, your health is clearly at risk here.

Again, this is all my Opinion, and based on what I have seen and read from your sites. I honestly came away feeling less intelligent after doing this in depth study into what makes you tick. Thank God for the Fox news network, I feel myself again!

Remember, this blog is "All about Stupid!" (Please think of the Bunny!)

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